Big Fish and Small (but Great) Hobbits

Have you seen “Edward Scissorhands” or “Nightmare Before Christmas” ? Both of those films were directed by Tim Burton. He has a reputation for being quirky and odd and creepy, and all of those features are recognizable in many of his movies.

Being fortunate to live in tbe Boston area, we were able to see his newest movie, ***Big Fish|*** during its select city early release. (it opens on Friday, January 9th for everyone else) This was an unusually eerie, creative, quirky and moving film.

The film follows a grown son’s gradual acceptance of his father, and the stories he tells of his life. The present scenes are frequently, and wonderfully interrupted by flashbacks to the father’s life as he tells it in stories. Through his stories we are introduced to giants, circus-folk, beautiful girls and witches. Every character seems strange and beautiful all at the same time.

I found the “weep level” to be an 8 on a scale of 1-10. The ending had me crying more than most movies do, although I did not find the conclusion of the film to be especially sad. In fact, I tried, with no avail, to discover exactly what drew the tears. Burton must have touched something so deep within me that even I don’t know what it was.

Another evening this week was spent with good friends Naomi and Chris. In keeping with annual tradition the four of us grabbed dinner then headed off to see the final installment of The Lord of the Rings; The Return of the King.

This third movie was long, but not excruciatingly so. The 3 hours and 20 minutes felt like nothing compared to the 13 month journey travelled by our heros in the story. I was captivated by the massive battle scenes at Minas Tirith and humored by the skeleton/pirate/Orlando Bloom similarities to Pirates of the Carribean.

Although the film ventured away from J.R.R. Tolkien’s original story I was easily drawn into the plot and longed for a conclusion. The scenes themselves were beautiful, even in their goriness/despair and the actors managed to pull our hearts right up into our throats. (yes, even the men!)

Two great movies, two late nights. Happy New Year!

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