Beautiful Day!

Today we had some gorgeous weather, so we decided that we ought to go on an outing. We flipped through ***Country Walks Near Boston|*** and decided upon ***Maudslay State Park|*** in Newburyport. Neither of us had been there before, but it was not too far away, so we got in the car and headed up.

The weather could not have been any nicer. The park is overall quite fabulous. It covers a swath of land on the south shore of the Merrimack river, on the border between West Newbury and Newburyport. At present, there is an outdor sculpture exhibit set up all around the park, entitled “Layers”. So there were lots of interesting pieces of artwork to look at, besides the beautiful natural scenery.

Here are a few samples of some of the stunning scenery:

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You can view the full gallery ***here|***.

On a completely unrelated note, we had lunch at the ***Taco Bell|*** at the North Shore Mall, and were excited to discover that they now have the full ***Big Bell Value Menu|***, including the Beef & Potato Burrito. Yum! Hopefully the Salem TB will have it soon… right now they only have three of the new menu items.

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