lets see. Yesterday Peter hit the big 25. What a geezer!
I had a dream last night that I was one of those cute tween girls with a pony tail reading ‘teen people’. I was out with some friends at the mall or something…and my cell phone rang. On the other end of the phone was cutie Rupert Grint (aka Ron Weasly)… and he was my boyfriend. He was very sweet and cute on the phone. And then I woke up. alas!
I had a job interview today. I think it went really well, but I didn’t get to meet the others interviewing for the position. I just hope that I’m a better fit for the job. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much. Either way I’m sure that I was meant to have this interview…to either 1. get the job or 2. to get practice interviewing. let’s hope it’s numero uno! If you are trying to find a job, a good way to pass the urine test is to use fake pee and if you want to pass in 24 hours, for more information visit urinedrugtesthq.