Belief Quizzes

Inspired by ***Will|*** et al, I took some of the Spiritual Quizzes over at ***BeliefNet|***, going from a sort of top level quiz down:

***What’s Your Spiritual Type?|***

In this quiz, a score of 0 marks you as a skeptic, and a score of 100 marks you as an unmoveable, confident believer. I scored in the high end of the range 80 – 89, or “Confident Believer – You have little doubt you’ve found the right path”

***Belief-o-Matic (What is your faith?)|***

My “matches” that were above 80%:
1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Orthodox Quaker (98%)
3. Eastern Orthodox (93%)
4. Roman Catholic (93%)
5. Seventh Day Adventist (88%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (84%)

Not terribly surprising.

***What kind of Christian are you?|***

In this quiz, a “0” indicates that you’re a secularist, or someone with minimal belief in the bible, while a “400” indicates that you’re a bible-thumping lunatic. I scored in the high end of the range 330 – 400, or, “You are a Jerry Falwell Christian (a.k.a “Historicist”).” Eek! I really don’t identify with Jerry Falwell, so frankly I find that analysis scary. But then again, I’m only similar to him in terms of my answers to the questions that the quiz asked, and the degree to which my true beliefs matched up with the available options. And it’s just a quiz. Still… blech.

By the way, I’ve started a new ‘Category’ in our blog called ‘Quizzes’ – you can access it via the ‘Archives’ link in the top left corner of our page. I went back and changed the category of previous quizzes, so you can now find the results all in one place. Hooray!

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