Blockbuster is desperate. So desperate that they keep mailing us free movie rental coupons! And on top of that, some of the movies have a “return the next day for a $1 credit” benefit. So, we can rent our three free movies, get $3 credited to our account and rent a fourth for like a dollar. What a bargain!
Anyhoo. We rented ***A Day Without a Mexican|***. Having heard of this little flick a while ago, we were happy to have a chance to see it. It played in a very small number of theaters back in the spring and is now getting a wider audience since coming out on video.
This movie promised a tongue in cheek, mocumentary of what would happen if all the Mexicans disappeared from California. It delivered. I can’t say that the acting was fantastic, or that the plot was all that great, but it was a decent social commentary.
The state of California becomes paralyzed when all of their Mexican citizens (legal and otherwise) suddenly disappear. Crops go unharvested, restaurant tables go unbussed, the Latino newscasters don’t show up for work and the streets of California become covered in trash.
Moral of the story is that we should appreciate our Mexicans while they’re here. As one main character said, “The best way to make the invisible visible is to make it disappear”. How true, and deep.