Last night, Becky and I turned on TBS to watch ***Galaxy Quest|***, a fabulous parody of the science fiction genre. We’ve seen it before, but the last time I watched I simply wasn’t in tune to the movie as much as I was last night. So now I have a few observations that I’d like to share.
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Monthly Archives: December 2004
Today on the way home from church, Becky and I stopped at one of our favorite stores: ***Family Dollar|***. We picked up one of those scrubbing devices with a sponge on one end and a handle that can be filled with liquid dish soap, as well as some cough drops, since we’re both feeling a bit under the weather. One dollar each! On the way out, I noticed that the Family Dollar brand cough drops had a handy comparison chart on the back to show how they stack up to Halls brand cough drops.
This answers the age-old question, “Are Halls cough drops economical?” NO!
Update: We were at ***Wal*Mart|*** tonight and spotted Halls brand cough drops on sale for $0.97! NOOO, we’ve been duped!! Dark is the day when Wal*Mart even outsells Family Dollar.
Crunchy goes “Crunchy”
You may have noticed a couple new names in the ‘Friends’ links, Laura and Johnny. You may remember in October I ***mentioned|*** that we had dinner with them before they set out on their cross country adventure.
Well, they’ve left Maryland and are blazing a trail across the southern US. To keep friends and family informed of their whereabouts and to share their experiences they have made themselves a blog! You too can join me in pretending to toss aside your humdrum lives, buying a trailer and exploring this great country.
Check them out at their website ***Living in the Slow Lane…|***
{added note for those of you who weren’t in Mr. Goldberg’s 5th grade class…}
Crunchy = the name of a character in one of Laura’s stories… and a nickname she aquired for herself
“Crunchy”= an oft used term referring to those who live simply, off the land and eat granola. Synonym- tree hugger.
Chunky Friends
Last night I went to ***Chunky’s|*** with Jeremy, his brother Justin, and Justin’s CompSci senior project partner Anna. We watched National Treasure, which was about as campy as I had expected it to be, but nonetheless we had a wonderful time.
I took just ***three photos|*** last night, in the theater and then a couple pics of Jeremy’s sweet little PocketPC/car stereo setup. Nifty, but not as nifty as an ***iPod|***.
Poor Becky was at home sick last night! She is feeling a bit better now, but still is under the weather. So everyone send her some well-wishes!
More WP Meetup Photos
***Nikkiana|***’s photos of the WordPress Meetup are ***now available|***. Check ’em out! There’s even a few good ones of yours truly. 🙂
Form Over Content
I seem to be doing a lot of metacognition lately. The last post was a blog about blogs. In this post, I’m thinking about how I think about things.
From time to time, I stop and try to get a handle on how and why I perceive things the way I do. I often run into situations where everyone in a group will react one way to something, and I react a completely different way. Or I see a situation one way, and nobody else has any clue what I am talking about. Today I had an insight, or at least an insight into how to concisely label my way of thinking, making decisions, and expressing myself: Form Over Content.
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For The Non-Commenters
Here are some stats for our website during November:
4,089 unique visitors
10,423 visits
57,940 pages viewed
85,242 hits
2.18 GB of data downloaded
53 blog entries
48 comments on entries made during November
This averages out to about 347 visits per day, 1.76 new entries each day, and less than one comment per entry. So my question is, if so many people are visiting our blog, and there’s more than enough content, why don’t we get more comments?
First, besides Becky and myself, there are a few people who I’d consider “regular” commenters. These people have left more than 10 comments total, and I’ll list them here, in descending order of number of comments, as a way of thanking them for their continued contribution to our site’s comments: ***Michelle|***, ***Jenn|***, ***Will|***, ***Chad|***, ***Mike|***, ***Nikkiana|***, ***Amy|***, and ***Bob|***.
What do these people have in common?
* With the exceptions of Mike and Chad, most are in their twenties
* All of them profess a Christian faith
* All of them have their own blogs
* All of them have time to use the Internet for more than just a few minutes per day
* All of them share at least one common interest with either Becky or myself
So what I don’t know is why other people don’t comment on our blog. I would simply love for people other than those I listed above to leave comments on this entry, explaining why they don’t comment regularly. Is it because you don’t have the time? Is it because you don’t like that our comments form is in a pop-up window, or because your browser doesn’t allow the pop-up window? Is it because you simply don’t have anything meaningful to say? Or are our posts simply uninteresting and not worthy of comments? Or do you simply not understand how the comment system works? I apologize if my writing tone seems accusatory, but in reality I’m simply curious.
I’d love some feedback. Thanks!
Water, Energy, and the Environment
Apartment tenants in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, gifted with free water usage by their landlords, leave their sinks running, their bathtubs overflowing, and flush gallons of water down the toilet every day, is always needed to contact a plumbing contractor. Those days might soon be numbered. Today on my favorite news radio station, ***WBZ 1030|***, I heard that the Massachusetts House of Representatives had passed ***H5001|***. H5001 is a bill, backed by environmental lobbyists and landlords, that proposes to amend Mass General Law to allow landlords to submeter their tenants water usage and to bill them for said usage. The bill is aimed squarely at the previously-mentioned water-wasting tenants.
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Linux on the Mac
For quite some time, I was way into running Linux on my Mac. I was one of the earliest users of LinuxPPC, the first major distribution of Linux for PowerPC processors. I ran it on my SuperMac Power Mac clone, since Apple had discontinued support for Mac OS on clones in the late 1990’s. I thought it was really cool, and I spent lots of time tinkering with the software, compiling my kernels, testing out device drivers, etc. While that was all cool and extremely geeky fun, there was still that naggy feeling that things didn’t just work. I longed to go back to the Mac OS, where I could run the programs I wanted to, plug things in and expect them to work, and just be happy without needing to mess around with my computer. When Mac OS X became publicly available, I installed it on my Macs, and I haven’t looked back since.
However, there are still those who prefer to run Linux on their Mac hardware. They enjoy the extra time spent tinkering with their kernels, configuring the system just the way they want. A new article on O’Reilly’s ***MacDevCenter|*** covers some of the ground of those folks who still choose to use Linux on their Macs. More power to them. I’d just rather spend my time doing other things.
Swimsuit Season
Do any of you out there know how hard it is to find a decent bathing suit at the end of November? Very hard! There are some out there for all the skinny minnies who are headed to the Carribean on a cruise, but none for me. argh.
“But why do you need to buy a swimsuit?” you may ask. For my new job. “say what?!?”
It’s true. I have finally found the perfect use for my ability to stay in bodies of water for unhumanly long periods of time. Swimming Instructor at the YMCA. I love kids, I love swimming, what could be better? And it pays a teensy bit more than what I was making watching ‘ER’ reruns on my days off.
Remember, reach and pull, kick kick kick, reach and pull, kick kick kick!