I’m glad that Becky has been blogging quite a bit recently, because even though there are a lot of things I have to blog about, I haven’t been able to get any of them worked into an actual post. So here’s an attempt at covering just one of those things: some of my frustrations with [Site5](http://www.site5.com/?affiliateid=9), the web hosting provider for prwdot.org.
Monthly Archives: May 2006
Hi folks! Welcome to my second day as a “stay at home mom” 🙂
This past weekend we made some huge strides getting ready for BabyWood. My parents came over and we did a ton of cleaning and organizing and moving of furniture. Our office/sewing room has sucessfully been transformed into a nursery/guest room; and our living room is now much more of a multi-purpose room than it ever has been before!
Peter and the Crib
That is not to say, however, that we’re done. There is still a TON of stuff that has yet to find a permanent home. And my energy level fluctuates…so getting stuff done comes in waves.
More pics from the day can be found here.
On the Today Show today they had a segment on gDiapers. Peter and I have been considering these since we heard about them several months ago. It is interesting to see that they have made the mainstream media! The basic premise is that instead of washing soiled cloth diapers or tossing disposables you remove a flushable liner and flush it away. That sounds better to me than sending plastic to sit in a dump for the next 500 years!
The consensus on the Today segment (with two test families) was that the idea was good, but they were more bothersome to use. Now, I’ve changed a ton of diapers in my day, though none of them were on my own kids. I don’t want to make naive statements before our own kiddo comes home, but I think that a little bother with a diaper change may be worth saving the Earth… we’ll see.
Hometown 6 Edition 4
It is time once again to participate in Michelle’s Hometown Six project. Here’s the April challenge.
Peter and I went out yesterday to Lynch Park here in Beverly. It is probably our favorite place in town so we thought we’d take our six pictures there.
This month’s six pictures are found in our gallery.