I learned some good gardening lessons during my first growing season. Top of the list: Don’t plant your garden (almost) directly underneath the dryer vent. Duh.
I was able to enjoy a few handfuls of green beans and sweet peas over the course of the summer. And I got a couple bunches of cosmos that bloomed beautifully. The green peppers and spinach were totally strangled by the cosmos and the pumpkins and squash were nuked by the dryer exhaust.
The carrots didn’t do too badly. Since I’m an optimist I’ll say that we got a great harvest of “baby carrots”. Those are practically a delicacy, right? They are almost too cute to eat!
All in all, not too bad. Due to our travels the garden didn’t get planted until late in the season and I probably didn’t water and weed it as much as I should have. We’ll give it another try next year!
[edit] I cleaned up the carrots, steamed them, and we ate them whole with dinner. YUM!
Cute! My dad could never make carrots grow, even with perfect conditions. Those are about as big as his ever got.
I harvested the rest of my herbs last night. Apparently parsley thrives in freezing conditions – there’s so much, I don’t know what to do with it!
AHHH! So cute. You could use them whole in soup and they would cook up really quick! No cutting involved! (although if they were mine they’d be all gone by now and I’d have a huge stomachache…) 😉
Did they taste better than grocery store carrots?
Yes, they did taste better. It’s hard to explain; less waxy, more dirt-y, more carroty.