It’s no secret that I don’t really love my bathroom. It is small, cramped and just overall pretty ugly. We do our best to fit what we need into it and are constantly purging and rearranging our stuff so make the room more usable. Thank goodness I don’t have to spend much time there!
I’ve tried decorating the one open wall a few times since we’ve moved in. Nothing ever seemed right, though. I would leave photos or art on the wall for a while and then pull it down in desperation.
After several attempts I was stuck by some inspiration. I think I have finally found some bathroom art that will stay up for a long time and it only cost me $3. Here’s how:
Part One: Last month I found three yellow Ikea picture frames at the Children’s Drop and Shop, a semi-annual consignment sale. They were still in the package and at a dollar each were half off their retail price. I bought them without an end purpose in mind, but figured they’d come in handy.
Part Two: Have you ever seen It’s a fun little site that creates word clouds from blocks of text. The more frequent a word in the text, the larger it is in the cloud. I love playing around with this tool, but have never known just what to do with the results.
Part Three: I did some brainstorming and came up with three songs that are bathroom related. I copied and pasted the lyrics into the Wordle tool, fiddled around with font, color and layout and printed out three word clouds. I popped them in the frames and hung them up. So simple, so perfect.

“Singing in the Shower“- one of my Sesame Street favorites
“Splish Splash“- Bobby Darin
“Rubber Ducky“- a classic!
OH MY! Toooooooooootally stealing this idea! Love it!