Three years ago I wrote up a funny little post here called Moo! (or Last Minute Cow Costumes on a Budget of Zero Dollars). It documented my creation of four(ish) cow costumes in about two hours in order to get free food.
Yesterday, I noticed a huge spike in visitors to this little record of our lives. Almost 300 visitors had stopped by and then another 600 today. I’d say that that one entry is, hands down, the most popular thing ever written on this site! You might as well go take a look, too! It has some cute pics of the girls 🙂
Tonight we took out those same costumes, slipped them on, answered some awkward questions in the mall parking lot, and then ate $27 worth of free chicken, fruit, waffle fries and drinks. We ran into the same friends as we did 3 years ago (and some others as well!) and had a lovely, cow filled, evening.
Whoever said my compulsive need to craft and to costume my children would never amount to anything?!? (well, no one, actually…)