Category Archives: 365


one hundred and eight

I have a lifelong love of swimming and I am thrilled to say that both our girls love the water as well. On any given day, if asked for their input, they will most likely suggest swimming. Indoors, outdoors, winter, summer, bathtub, ocean…you name it!

We’ve recently become a family of four independent swimmers, as Esme has shed her bubble. She was especially proud today to have both a) learned what a ‘lap’ is and b) swam one all on her own.

Swimming offers many benefits that can’t be ignored. Because you are supported by water, it’s a low-impact sport and thus virtually injury-free. For the same reason it’s also a great exercise if you’re overweight, since it spares your joints the pounding experienced in gravity-bound sports like running.

The varied strokes used in swimming take your joints through a full range of motion that can improve flexibility. Most important, few exercises give you the head-to-toe muscle workout that swimming does.

You are using almost all the major muscle groups of the body. the legs, hips, abs, chest, shoulders, and upper back – all of these muscles are working. You can also get tremendous stimulation to the heart and respiratory system. As far as general health goes, swimming is an excellent conditioner.


one hundred and six

The scooters were found at the end of a driveway with a ‘free’ sign hanging from them. They were already well loved a year ago when I pulled over and tossed them in the trunk. That hasn’t stopped the girls from treating them like BMWs.

Esme was so engaged in her scooter scrubbing that she didn’t even glance up as I opened the door and sat down on the steps to snap this photo.

In flux

one hundred and five

I tend to feel the push and pull of seasonal change fairly keenly. The ebb and flow of temperatures rising and falling; the changes in the earth and air. My psyche is jumbled by the false starts and hesitations of each new season.

Though we haven’t been skating for the past two weeks, our skate gear has remained in my car. I have been holding out hope that we might get there just one more time. Yesterday, the rink closed for the season. I have a bit of sadness that I didn’t get on the ice with my girls that last time, but I am glad for the finality.

Today, the skate gear got pulled from the car, skates were stored and the snow suits washed and dried. The helmets were returned to the bikes and I feel like I am one step further into welcoming spring fully.

In the coming days more laundry will be hung outside, hats and scarves will be collected up and bulky coats and boots will be moved away from the door. There will be room for sandals and sun hats again.

With fits and starts, our activities will start to favor the outdoors. We’ll try to remember what we did last spring. We will find our rhythm again or, more likely, we will make a new rhythm. It won’t come all at once, but it will come.


one hundred and three

I love my car. She’s not fancy and she’s not particularly good looking, but she gets the job done. One thing I have learned about her in the past six years is that she sure does love a ride on the back of a flatbed!

[disclaimer: there was no accident. no one was harmed or left abandoned on the side of the road. with any luck this won’t be too costly of a fix. thank goodness for AAA.]

One Hundred!

one hundred

Because who wouldn’t enjoy some after-bath accordion music? I’d like to think that she’s celebrating the 100th photo in my 365 photo project!

I want to thank everyone who’s been following along! I’ve been having fun snapping pics and posting daily…even on the days when the pictures are few and the inspiration is low. Are you enjoying the glimpses into our life? Would you like me to post more, or less, of something? Too many kid pics? Too few? I’d love to know what you think!