Category Archives: 365

Snowy Solstice

seventy nine

It was a brilliant plan. A plan to hike to the Solstice Stones and to do it on the spring solstice! Oh how clever we were!

Hardly did we expect a foot and a half of snow to fall the day before!

Brave souls that we are, ten or so families from our homeschooling community set out to hike to the top of Holt Hill. The solstice stones were buried, but we were still treated to good friends, plenty of snow to play in and a fantastic view! (the eagle eyed among us can see the Boston skyline just above and to the right of Esme’s head. It was more impressive in person!) Not our exact plan, but an afternoon to be remembered, for sure!

Welcome, Spring! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.

On Failure

seventy eight

Today I failed. I started a project in haste. I was inattentive when reading the instructions. I measured once and cut twice. I ripped seams out- so many ripped seams! I got frustrated, disappointed and grumpy. I felt like I wasted a day and had nothing to show for it.

And I am glad.

I am glad because my daughters saw my failure. They were witness to my disappointment. They heard my exclamations of frustration and saw me re-measure, re-cut, and re-sew. They knew that I was unhappy with the way things were going. They saw my opportunity to give up.

I am glad because they also saw me deal with my failure. They saw that sometimes I don’t get things right on the first (or second) try. They saw that even though I was having trouble I continued to work on my project. They saw that sometimes it helps to take a break and come back later. They saw that the first plan isn’t necessarily the best plan. They saw that mistakes can be fixed, and if they can’t be fixed, maybe they can be altered. They saw that the projects that mean something to me are worth doing- and redoing- until they’re finished.

Today I failed, and I am glad!

Tooth in Waiting

seventy five

That adult tooth has been pretty patient. It’s been hanging out behind the baby tooth for quite some time now. I do believe it is ready for its time in the light.

Major Villain Week

seventy four

Two major Word Girl fans got all cozy for the final episode of Major Villain Week. They refused to let me turn the light on, insisting, “we want it to be a little bit spooky, mama.”

Though they look fairly subdued by this point, their excitement hit record highs as they tuned the tv and prepared their little nest.

Word Up!

Daylight Relishing Time

seventy two

Say what you will about Daylight Savings Time, but you’ll never convince me that getting to stay out hiking and exploring with friends until 5pm or later is something to complain about.

[Breakheart Reservation: three parents, ten girls]


seventy one

Things that are awesome about having makers in the house:

  • *There are always scissors around (unless they’ve been used and left someplace that no one can remember)
  • *Everything is art (yes, even that unrecognizable thing you found on the floor and threw out yesterday…)
  • *One can often feel accomplished before breakfast (messy and or cut pjs are a hazard of the makerspace)
  • *Anything can become a toy (paper, cardboard, even those Lincoln Logs you’ve masking-taped together)
  • *Creativity runs rampant and sparks interesting projects and conversations (not to mention all the confetti and used-scotch-tape wads scattered about)
  • *If you don’t have something you need, you can make it (or even if you have two other coin banks you can still make a new one from an old Baking Powder tin)
  • Designs and ideas are tested, tossed and reworked (usually at the expense of more ‘productive’ activities)
  • Everything has potential (the empty carton, the scraps, the failed projects, even you and I)
  • Sledding Fail=Adventure Win


    It took longer to inflate the snow tubes today than it took to discover that the snow was decidedly not sledding compatible. The warm weather made the snow wet and sticky and it was impossible to glide more than a couple feet, even with a running start.

    An outing that could have ended in tears of disappointment turned out to be a great time! We explored the melting, and puddling, snow first. Then we trudged on to the Children’s Barn and visited the animals. Snowballs were thrown, guinea fowl were observed from a camouflaged hide, pinecones were collected, drawings and cryptic marks were made in the mud and soaking wet feet weren’t noticed for well over an hour.

    I love when failures turn out to be wins!