Bumper Sticker Downgrade

So, I decided it was time to downgrade the bumper stickers on my car. Here’s what it looked like before:

ggg|camry_outside_shots/200205061717732_G|Lotsa Stickers|ggg

And here it is after:

ggg|2001_toyota_corolla/P1040810|No Stickers|ggg

As you can see, the only way I could get rid of the stickers was to get a new car… 🙂

It’s a 2001 Toyota Corolla LE. It has about 58,000 miles on it. It’s not an extravagant or terribly exciting car by any means, but it’s in much better shape than my old 1994 camry with 210,000+ miles. It also gets much better gas mileage:

2001 Corolla vs 1994 Camry

* City: 30 mpg vs 21 mpg
* Highway: 39 mpg vs 28 mpg
* Combined: 34 mpg vs 23 mpg

That should come in handy considering the constant increase in gas prices.

I’m sad to see the Camry go. We’ve had some good times in that car. Becky and I drove on some of our first dates in the Camry, and it has taken us down to Florida and back, out to Ohio and back, and all around New England. It’s taken me to and from work every single day that I’ve been at [CBD](http://www.christianbook.com/) … except, of course, on the various occasions it was in the repair shop. Becky’s dad has taken it upon himself to fix up our car and to try and sell it, so hopefully it will be useful to someone in need of a car.

Check out my [goodbye Camry](http://gallery.prwdot.org/goodbye_camry) album, and some initial photos of the [Corolla](http://gallery.prwdot.org/2001_toyota_corolla).

6 thoughts on “Bumper Sticker Downgrade

  1. Peter

    It’s funny, we were just talking about that. I haven’t named my cars in the past, but I think I might try to give this one a name. I need to drive it for a while to get a feel for it, though… need to get to know its character. We’ll see. 🙂

  2. christine

    congrats on the new car — and i love the philosophy of getting rid of stickers requires getting rid of vehicle. heh.

    you’ll have plenty of fun with the new car. lots of drives, lots of joy. may you always be safe and blessed while driving it…

    now get some stickers so i can figure out it is you i’m behind when i drive through peabody. i’ve seen your car.

    by the way — your should blur your plate number in the pictures. blur blur blur. that’s my philosophy.

  3. Peter

    What’s the point of blurring out my plate numbers? They’re out in the open for everyone to see when I’m driving down the street. After having the same plate numbers in public view for three years, and posted on our website numerous times, I have yet to see any negative impact come of it.

  4. jennifair

    Congrats on the new ride! 🙂 Too bad that I didn’t yet get you the sticker I’m still looking for… a lot of towns around here are ‘wood’ at the end (Westwood, Ridgewood, etc.) and Ridgewood came out with one of those oval stickers that just said “Wood” on it… and I wanted to get it for your automobile. If I find it, maybe I will anyway. 🙂


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