The Life of Pi

Have you ever felt like fate has sent something your way? Last week I was making a last minute swoop through the Beverly Public Library in search of something new to read. I only had a couple minutes, so I grabbed something that had an interesting looking spine, and was small enough to commute with easily. It was [The Life of Pi]( by Yann Martel.

Having never heard of this book I was unaware of how gripping it would be. I settled in on the train and found myself completely captivated by the story. Before I knew it I was in Boston, and hardly a minute had passed! In just a few pages I was transported to India and was rooting on young Pi Patel and his three-pronged religiosity (Christianity, Hinduism and Islam).

The next couple of train rides were no different. On Thursday, I mentioned to my co-worker, Laura, that my commutes had become highly anticipated due to a new book I was reading. She asked the title and before I had finished telling her she proclaimed that it was “one of her favorite books”, that she owned “two copies; one for reading and one for lending”, that she had “forced all her friends to read it” and had “even preached sermons from it.” Needless to say, I was shocked. I guess this wasn’t just a random pull from the shelf, It was someone’s FAVORITE!

On Tuesday, Nikkiana posted a book meme with a bunch of books you should read from the site []( On that list was, you guessed it, The Life of Pi. It seems to be following me!

In any case, upon finishing the book I was stunned by the complexities brought out in the last couple of chapters. I turned the last page and proclaimed to Peter, “What? It’s over!?!” He asked if I was unsatisfied by the ending. I was not dissatisfied at all, but just surprised that it came on so quick.

I want you all to read this book! Please do. And come back and tell me what you thought! Peter is reading it now and I think that everyone I know, regardless of age, religion, gender,etc, will find something to love about it. PLEASE READ IT!

2 thoughts on “The Life of Pi

  1. beforegirl

    Books I have read and loved: Microserfs by Douglas Coupland, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers, Slackjaw by Jim Knipfel, and The Idiot Girls’ Action Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro is a latest favorite of mine.


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