Showered with Love

The first weekend in April I was honored to attend a baby shower thrown for me by my Auntie Susie.

It was a wonderful day. The weather cooperated and it was a sunny, warm Sunday. There were tons of delicious goodies and the house was full of fantastic people.

Our apartment is now full of sweet little baby things. Green frogs and yellow duckies were the order of the day. Our little baby is now blessed with lots of summer outfits, blankets, brightly colored toys, a pack-n-play, crib, stroller, baby back pack, and tons and tons of bath products (some of which I’d like to use myself!). It has been so fun going through all the gifts and they just make us more excited about bringing this baby home.

I’d like to say, however, that even without a single gift to unwrap this shower would have been perfect. I am constantly surprised and honored by how loved Peter and I are… and now the baby is. There are so many people in our lives that love and support us, and having so many of them in one room is almost overwhelming. Our baby is so fortunate to be anticipated by all of our family and friends.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far. We can’t wait for BabyWood to meet each and every one of you!

[all of the pictures from the day are found here]

3 thoughts on “Showered with Love

  1. Melanie

    Did you get dogs for shower gifts? I think there are more pictures of them than the presents. 🙂

  2. jennifair

    Sorry. We thought the dogs were so cute that pictures of them just got taken… besides, in terms of photography I did try my best, and didn’t know that they would all be posted on the site! And I did try to get other things, but didn’t know if thirty shots of opening presents was what was wanted! :/


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