Category Archives: Craftiness

Home-run Wrist Warmers

Becky knitted these for me while we were watching the Red Sox:


I wonder how long it would take for her to knit a full set of 25 wrist warmers and send them to the Sox for good luck? Could it be done before the end of the Series? Speaking of which, the Sox are leading the Cardinals 1-0 in the series, and they’re in the lead in Game 2, 4-1 in the bottom of the 4th. Go Sox!

She can be taught!

Among other domestic things I did today (making dinner, cleaning up, dishes, laundry, errands to the bank and post office) I taught myself to knit cables. WooHoo! This is something that I’ve wanted to to for a while, but have never taken the time to figure it out. Today was the day.

For those of you who don’t know the ins and outs of knitting… cables are those rope like ‘stripes’ or ‘ridges’ that you find in sweaters, especially those white, Irish sweaters. The technique was not very hard to figure out, but my fingers needed a bit of practice to get the ‘feel’ of doing it. I’m almost an expert now!


So that I could practice my technique I decided to knit up a little baby hat. Baby things are fun to knit and make good practice for larger items. And when I finish there is some precious kiddo who gets a nice present!

iPod Cozy

I arrived home today to receive a wonderful little gift from Becky: an iPod Cozy!


She knit it herself with a pattern she found at ***Craftster|***. See a more complete selection of photos ***here|***.

A place to carry my things

Anyone who knows me will most likely tell you that I’m not a “purse girl”. I try to carry everything I need in my pant’s pockets. This has been a pretty good plan for me until recently. My new job in Boston allows me to take the train to work. I like this, but it means that I can’t just unload my stuff into the car. I also tend to dress in skirts and nice pants without pockets. Oh No!

I’ve been looking over the last few weeks for a bag that will suit my purposes. I really don’t go for your traditional purse or handbag. I don’t like carrying a bag with the strap on one shoulder, and I’m not really a Chanel girl. So, cute handbags are out.

I have a nice back pack that I like. It would fit my things and be comfy to carry. However, I think that it is a little more bag than I really require. I’m not trekking the Appalachians or anything.

The solution came to me as if in a dream. A month ago I made a cute little purse for ***Jennifer|***. Inspired by other’s creations found on ***|*** I altered the pattern. I made it large enough to hold some paperwork and my planner as well as my lunch and Nalgene water bottle. I also made a large flap to keep my stuff in, and the rain out. And I made sure the strap was long enough to cross from one shoulder to the opposite hip…making it like a messenger bag.

Here is my creation. First with the flap in place, and then open to see the inside.

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