Category Archives: Television

News Bites

Wednesday, May 19: I gave a presentation to the ***MacWoburn|*** Macintosh User Group on “Blogging With The Mac.” The presentation went well, and the attendees had some good questions about blogging in general, as well as the Mac OS applications I had reviewed in the process of preparing for the meeting. For those who couldn’t attend, I have a complete website available which details the essence of the presentation. It includes reviews of six different Mac OS X blogging applications, and you can find it ***here|***.

Saturday, May 22: Becky and I went down to Hyannis to visit Jeremy and Angela. We had a delicious dinner and then went out to get some ice cream at the opening night of ***Four Seas Ice Cream|*** in Centerville. I had peanut butter chocolate chip, while Becky had a pink-colored mint chip. Yum!

I brought along a couple video tapes so that Jeremy and I could continue our regular viewing of ***The Shield|***. We’ve been getting together to watch it since its debut in March of 2002 on FX. It’s admittedly quite an intense show (“too intense for network television”), but we’re strangely fascinated with it, along with millions of other viewers. If you haven’t been following the series, it’s probably a bit too late to tune in now, unless you buy the DVD’s and try to catch up.

Upcoming: We’re going to be out of town for the next three weekends, which should be fun. Two of them involve ***Martha’s Vineyard|***, and one involves ***New Jersey|***. We are also planning a road trip to ***Ohio|***, later this summer, to see my family, with a side trip to “***camp out|***” at ***Niagara Falls|***. (Note the quotes around camp out… though we may be sleeping in a tent, it’s far from roughing it.)

In the meantime, it’s ***business|*** as usual for me, and for Becky her new job with ***SPNEA|*** will be starting soon! If you haven’t already, stop by her entry a couple of posts down from this one and leave her a note! 🙂

“Shave My Poodle!”

(a fictional conversation with actual outcome)
Jennifer: “10 bucks if you bid on that ugly orange chair.”
Rebecca: “Okay.” [raises her bidding number 14 and wins the chair]

Viacom and World Wide Pants’ show, ***Ed|***, came to an end recently much to the chagrin of myself and Jenn. Luckily for us there was a way to soothe our pain.

This weekend in Norwood, New Jersey, more specifically at Stuckeybowl, there was an auction of all things Stuckey. The producers put up for sale all the props and such that were used on the set of “Ed”. It was quite an experience to get to go inside the building where most of the scenes were filmed and to see so many of the props, furniture and signs that were in the tv show.

Anywhoo… I came home toting a cute orange leather chair from Ed’s office [screen shot ***here|***. first row, second from the right, see it?] and Jennifer scored a nice stained glass window from Ed’s house. Cool. One thing to note is that when I came home on Sunday I checked out ebay and found ***one item|*** listed that had been sold at the auction on Saturday…Very Sneaky!

For photos with captions do the clicking thing…….***here|***

!!!bonus material!!! Thanks to ***Michelle|*** for pointing out that I hadn’t included a ‘real’ picture of the chair…oops! Click on the gallery link above and you’ll now find a pic there!

Seventh Trek Connection

Becky and I enjoy making connections when we watch TV: “Ooh, so and so on this show was on that movie with that person!” Kind of like the degrees of Bacon game, but a bit more free-form.

Anyway, we recently made a connection that we thought we would share:

***Stephen Collins|*** and ***Catherine Hicks|*** star as Rev. and Mrs. Eric Camden on the show ***7th Heaven|***.

Here’s the connection: they were both in Star Trek movies!

Catherine starred as Gillian Taylor in the hilarious ***Star Trek IV|***, while Stephen starred as Captain/Commander Willard Decker in the unfortunate ***Star Trek: The Motion Picture|***… both of which were released well before 7th Heaven made its debut.

Speaking of Trek connections, we also spotted TNG’s ***Commander Data (Brent Spiner)|*** in this week’s new episode of ***Law & Order: Criminal Intent|***. He played a nutty psychologist, the husband of the psychiatrist whose lover was killed by their psycho daughter. Always good to see a familiar face. 🙂

vintage er… again

just another update for you er fanatics. today’s vintage er episode was “a piece of mind”. The one where Dr. Mark Greene has his brain tumor surgery… The paralell plot involves a father/son who get in a car accident because of driving under the influence of alcohol (suv vs. garbage truck) remember? the son of that pair was played by none other than cutie ***Jared Padalecki|*** Some may recognize him as Dean from Gilmore Girls. Very interesting…


I am never right about these things…But, amazingly, I was right about last nights ‘er’. Last summer when the rumers were flying about a cast member not returning this season we (jenn peter and I) were able to narrow it down to two possibilities John Carter (Noah Wiley) and Luka Kovach (Goran Visnjc). I remember a conversation when I said, “They’re going to make us think that Luka won’t leave the Congo…he’ll want to stay there and make a difference instead of coming home to Chicago…BUT I think it is going to be Carter. He doesn’t want Gamma’s money and he’s sick of the ER, I bet he goes back to the Congo and stays or gets killed or something.”

Can you believe that I was right!?!

In other er news… I have been watching alot of the older reruns on TNT daytime. It’s fun to watch all the old shows and to see how the writers weave stories in and out over time. I am also constantly surprised at how many guest actors that are on… ones that I never would have recognized years ago, but now have gone on to have careers of their own now. The two most recent (and the only ones I can think of at the moment) are Shia LeBeuf…he played a kid with Muscular dystrophy…who has recently been seen in the movie Holes and on the Disney show “Even Stevens” … and Liza Weil… Samantha Sobricki (yeah, the psycho’s wife) is also Paris Gellman from Gilmore Girls! It’s just been fun 🙂

What a Butler!

I am kind of ashamed to admit it, but we have been faithfully watching Fox’s “Joe Millionaire”. It comes along in a long line of sleazy shows provided by this prestigious station.

Anyhoo, soon ‘Joe’ will choose between two finalist girls… but then he must tell them that he’s been lying about being a millionaire, blah, blah, blah.

In my humble opinion the only good reason to watch is the super adorable Butler that ‘hosts’ the show. Too Much! Otherwise, each episode has been filled with snooty girls, tight clothes, lies, deception, and other displays of dispicable behavior.

Sadly, non of the above will keep us from tuning in next week to find out how it all ends… ahhh, popular culture!