
Today on the way home from church, Becky and I stopped at one of our favorite stores: ***Family Dollar|***. We picked up one of those scrubbing devices with a sponge on one end and a handle that can be filled with liquid dish soap, as well as some cough drops, since we’re both feeling a bit under the weather. One dollar each! On the way out, I noticed that the Family Dollar brand cough drops had a handy comparison chart on the back to show how they stack up to Halls brand cough drops.


This answers the age-old question, “Are Halls cough drops economical?” NO!

Update: We were at ***Wal*Mart|*** tonight and spotted Halls brand cough drops on sale for $0.97! NOOO, we’ve been duped!! Dark is the day when Wal*Mart even outsells Family Dollar.

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