Category Archives: Site Updates


I’ve been working on a bit of a pet project – a timeline that sets out, side by side, events from Becky’s life and my life, our life together, and other random events from our lifetime.

It’s far from complete. You can expect to see more entries if you check back in the next week or so, but you can go ahead and take a look:

***Our Timeline|***

For those of you who don’t know us so well, I hope this helps you to get to know us a bit better. And for the rest of you, I hope you’ll simply enjoy looking back at the events of the past 25 years. 🙂

News, courtesy of Magpie

I’m toying with a new feature, which you’ll see if you look at the left hand side of our page. By using kellan’s Magpie RSS – PHP RSS Parser, I can have our main index script automatically pull in RSS newsfeeds directly from other sites, and display their latest items right on our website.

Right now I’ve got the last 10 “Top News” items from Yahoo! News, and Apple Computer’s latest 5 press releases. The possibilities are endless. Let me know what you think!

A Feed Fixup

For those of you subscribed to our site via RSS feeds, you’ll want to update your links as follows:

RSS 2.0
RSS 2.0 Comments Only
RSS 1.0

I have created a simple php script that will pass our newsfeeds through the same routines that our regular blog entries go through. That way, the links you read within our newsfeeds will look like regular links, instead of the internally coded link style we use, with the asterisks on each side and the bar in the middle.

Hope this makes some people happy! 🙂

Take the Survey!

Please ***take our survey|***! It’s also linked in the top left hand corner of the page. Our free trial is going to expire this Saturday, so I hope to get the results tallied up before then.

It’s just 13 easy-to-answer questions, 12 of which are multiple-choice. Those of you who haven’t taken the survey yet know who you are. 😉

Thank you!


I’ve just installed the ***MT-Blacklist|*** plugin in our ***MovableType|*** installation. This should prevent those lovely ads for Cialis, Viagra, etc, from showing up in the comments of blogs hosted on MovableType at You shouldn’t notice anything different with this new feature, unless you happen to be a spammer. Then, you will notice that your spamalicous comments are DENIED!!! Whoo-hoo!


I’ve added a new XML feed for your consumption:

***RSS 2.0 “Latest Comments” Feed|***

This feed will be updated with the last 20 comments on any of the entries in our blog, and will provide links back to the entries that were commented on.

I’ve also added some feeds for compatability:

***Atom-enabled feed|***
***RSS 1.0|***

Use ’em if you need ’em.

Speaking of RSS readers, I know that at least one person (***Michelle|***, I think) is watching our feed via the ***BlogLines|*** web-based RSS reader. And there’s someone watching us with ***FeedReader|***, coming from a Wisconsin-based ISP… no idea who that is.

Personally, I use ***SharpReader|*** at work, and ***NetNewsWire|*** at home.

For the RSSers

For those of you reading our site via an RSS Aggregator, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve fixed up a goof in the formatting of the xml file, so the permalink to each entry should take you to a nice pretty page now, instead of a ghetto-looking page.


Take a Survey

Take a few minutes and fill out our ***survey|***. This is the same free service that ***Michelle|*** used for her ***Christian Blogging|*** survey, so thanks for that idea. 🙂

There are only 12 questions, and they’re not terribly in-depth, but the answers will be interesting to us nonetheless.

I’ll summarize the results here within a month, since that’s how long the free trial of the survey website lasts.


Photo Overload!

Oh no!

It seems that my web hosting provider has not been able to accurately gauge my disk space quota until now. I am alotted 1500 megs of space on their server, and I was under the impression I was using less than 500 of those megs.

Well, they’ve fixed their quota, and it now appears that I’m actually using 1249 out of the 1500 megs, and thus have only 250 megs free!

I’ve done some checking of my own and I’ve verified that I am, in fact, using up that much space on my account. A little over one third of this space is being used up by the photos in ***our gallery|***. The rest is being used by our email which is stored on the server, random content on our own website, and content from the websites of other folks who are hosted at

Individual albums in our gallery take up anywhere from less than 1 meg to over 18 megs, and most photos range from 100kb to 300kb in size. I feel like we’re doing pretty well as far as keeping the size of individual photos under control. It’s just that we have SO MANY PHOTOS — 3532 to be exact!

I guess it’s time to start looking at strategies on how to save some space… getting rid of photos, re-compressing photos so that they take up less space, etc. We’re already using our web host’s largest hosting plan, in terms of disk space, and purchasing additional disk space is a bit pricey.