Category Archives: Techie

Wicked Smaht

I just found this page today:

NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts: Funded Studies

It is a list of the projects NASA is funding to develop new and interesting technologies. Some projects include the ‘Space Elevator’, ‘Programmable Plants’, and the ‘Hypersonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch System’ — check it out! I don’t see ‘Warp Drive’ or ‘Matter-Energy Converter’ on there yet, but hopefully some day… 🙂

iMovie 3

My presentation to MacWoburn last night was a success overall, despite some technical problems that took nearly an hour to resolve. 🙂 Everyone seemed to like my Bridal Party movie, and I did a demonstration of creating a new iMovie using some photos from our honeymoon. That’s got me thinking that my next iMovie will definitely have to be honeymoon-related. 😉


Tonight is the MacWoburn meeting at the CompUSA in Woburn, Mass. The meeting runs from 7 to 9 p.m., and tonight’s featured presenter is… me!

I’ll be doing a presentation/demonstration/discussion on iMovie 3, and pretty much any other topic that comes up. 🙂

I’ll also be next door beforehand, at the Far East Cafe, for the regular pre-meeting dinner. Dinner usually runs from 6-7 p.m. It’s a very nice buffet and I believe it runs around $17 including the tip.

If you happen to be in the Woburn area and have some free time, drop by for either event!

Visit the MacWoburn webpage for more information on the group.

Big Sound

So the Cambridge SoundWorks warehouse sale was a success!

I came home today with a Sony STR-DE485 digital receiver, a Cambridge SoundWorks Ensemble IV Home Theater speaker system, and all the speaker cable I would ever need. The prices were definitely lower than what you’ll see on Sony and CSW’s websites. If you’re in the Boston area, and looking to buy some new audio/video equipment, I would recommend checking it out before the sale ends on Monday (the sooner the better).

Anyway, I’ve finally got the new system all hooked up, and it works quite nicely paired with our Sony DVP-NS315 DVD player and our Philips TV.


Oops! For anyone who’s watched the Bridal Party video, I must confess to making a goof. I labeled the picture of my sister as “Kirsten Wood”, when in fact I should have labeled it “Kirsten Carter” (seeing as how she is married to Mark Carter). I’ll fix that later tonight when I get a chance. Sorry!!