Boston Photo Bonanza

This is a “lots of pictures of the day” entry.

Becky is taking a much-deserved break on Martha’s Vineyard for a few days, so I’m in Beverly and looking for things to do. Today, the weather was simply gorgeous, so I hopped on a train to Boston and spent several hours hoofing it around the city. I took lots of photos and put them in my ***Boston Photo Bonanza|*** gallery for you all to see. I hope you enjoy them!

Also, you may have noticed a new ‘Archive Jumper’ on the right hand side of the page. This is a drop-down menu that will “jump” you to a given week of blog entries in our archives. It was rather complicated to get it set up, and it may not stay that way… but for now, give it a try.

One thought on “Boston Photo Bonanza

  1. miss president

    you are quite the shutterbug! And very adventurous when you are by yourself! Not many people would be so adventurous when their ‘other’ is away! Sounds like it was cool at the museum. I got to see Mars the day before it was at its closest… beautiful from the Atlantic Ocean! 🙂


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