If you have anyone in your life who would like to download music from the iTunes Music Store, perhaps a Gift Certificate would be a good Christmas gift idea for them. To that end, Apple is now offering ***paper gift certificates|http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa?partNumber=D2683LL/A***, which will be delivered to the recipient via USPS. They can be redeemed at the iTunes Music Store just like the electronic version which you can only purchase through the iTunes Music Store itself.
Of course, I don’t know *anyone* who would want such a thing…
Hey there!! Nice site!! I just bought an ipod and found your photo gallery from BBR. I think I’ll have to come back here often!! You’re a TMBG fan!! woo hoo!
Hey, always great to see a new reader! Hopefully you’ll find our blog interesting… I make no guarantees though!