The Story Of Us

Many of you may not know the story of how Becky and I met. I realized that, as far as I can tell, we’ve never mentioned it on the blog. So I thought it might be fun to write it out for all to read.

The first time we met, technically, was during orientation at ***Gordon|***. We think, as best we can remember, that it was Monday, August 25, 1997. But that exact day isn’t terribly important, since we didn’t even realize we had met each other until well after we started dating. In any case, we had both taken the opportunity to go on a bicycling tour of the Wenham and Manchester areas, so we bicycled to the Manchester Yacht Club along with a group of other freshmen and some orientation leaders. After that day, however, we really didn’t run in to each other.

Until our junior year at Gordon. We ran into each other frequently towards the end of that year, through mutual friends. Sometimes I would eat with a friend who was eating with a friend who was eating with their friend, who was Becky. 🙂 There was one dance where we met up, and I had wanted to dance with her… but having just hurt my leg (at the dance), I really wasn’t feeling up to it. The pivotal moment, however, came one night in Ferrin Hall.

Becky was in the habit of coming over to Ferrin to watch ***ER|*** with her friends who lived on the first floor. The second floor had a lounge with satellite TV, and my room was just across the lobby from this lounge. Every so often, I would come over to the lounge to heckle them as they got all weepy over their favorite weekly show. One night, when I was sitting in the lounge, and Becky was watching ER, a commercial for ***Taco Bell|*** came on. Becky exclaimed “Man, I would kill for some Taco Bell!” (or something of that nature – Becky) I replied, “Whoah, you like Taco Bell? I don’t know anyone up here [at Gordon] who likes it!” A connection was made. Some trips to Taco Bell ensued. It was a great time for Becky and I not only to enjoy our favorite fast food, but to chat, listen to music, and hang out.

After junior year, Becky and I corresponded over email. She was living on Martha’s Vineyard working at ***the bank|***, and I was living on campus at ***Gordon|***, doing my co-op at ***CBD|***

Once we started our senior year, we started seeing each other more frequently. There were more trips to Taco Bell, and frequent inter-apartmental visits, as we lived just a few floors apart in Tavilla Hall. On one fateful day, September 16, 2000, we took a trip into Boston to seek some slightly more advanced Mexican food. We ended up walking around the whole city, as the first two restaurants we had hoped to visit were closed. We ended up eating at ***Burrito Max|***. Later that night, I visited Becky in her apartment, where I told her how I felt about her… luckily, she felt the same! Phew!

One year and eight months later, we were engaged… five months after that, we were married. And that’s our story so far! Hope you’ve enjoyed it… and remember to check our our ***timeline|*** to help put everything into perspective.

3 thoughts on “The Story Of Us

  1. Michelle

    Good story, thanks for sharing. I’ve never known any taco-related love stories before! 🙂

    But the first date is wrong. I think. Best I can tell.

  2. Peter

    Oops – how could we miss that! If we went by that date, then we would have met just two months before we were married. 🙂

    It’s been fixed. 🙂


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