For The Non-Commenters

Here are some stats for our website during November:


4,089 unique visitors
10,423 visits
57,940 pages viewed
85,242 hits
2.18 GB of data downloaded

53 blog entries
48 comments on entries made during November


This averages out to about 347 visits per day, 1.76 new entries each day, and less than one comment per entry. So my question is, if so many people are visiting our blog, and there’s more than enough content, why don’t we get more comments?

First, besides Becky and myself, there are a few people who I’d consider “regular” commenters. These people have left more than 10 comments total, and I’ll list them here, in descending order of number of comments, as a way of thanking them for their continued contribution to our site’s comments: ***Michelle|***, ***Jenn|***, ***Will|***, ***Chad|***, ***Mike|***, ***Nikkiana|***, ***Amy|***, and ***Bob|***.

What do these people have in common?
* With the exceptions of Mike and Chad, most are in their twenties
* All of them profess a Christian faith
* All of them have their own blogs
* All of them have time to use the Internet for more than just a few minutes per day
* All of them share at least one common interest with either Becky or myself

So what I don’t know is why other people don’t comment on our blog. I would simply love for people other than those I listed above to leave comments on this entry, explaining why they don’t comment regularly. Is it because you don’t have the time? Is it because you don’t like that our comments form is in a pop-up window, or because your browser doesn’t allow the pop-up window? Is it because you simply don’t have anything meaningful to say? Or are our posts simply uninteresting and not worthy of comments? Or do you simply not understand how the comment system works? I apologize if my writing tone seems accusatory, but in reality I’m simply curious.

I’d love some feedback. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “For The Non-Commenters

  1. Danne

    I think people not commenting has less to do with their religious inclination, and more to do with them having their own blogs…if you compared only the two.

  2. buckeye

    Some of us don’t leave comments mostly because of time. Other times it may be a topic that is not directly applicable to our situations or it may be that we haven’t formed a point of view relative to the topic and prefer not to leave half-baked ruminations. Sometimes people are not willing to express a personal opinion in a public venue. Don’t worry; be happy!

  3. jayseae

    Another potential option that you didn’t consider is that you’re already providing such useful and complete information, that in a desire to not seem less intelligent by comparison, people want to leave more than a simple “oh yeah” comment.

    With the nature of things, by the time such a comment could be formed, it would be some time later, and something else has taken priority (in other words, they are on someone else’s blog by then). At least, that’s what I tell myself. 🙂


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