Trashy People

This morning at breakfast, I poured the last of our milk into our cereal bowls. As I was cleaning out the milk bottle and preparing to put it into our recycling bin, I remarked to Becky, “Can you believe that some people just throw these things in the trash?” She replied, “Yeah, like everyone else in our building!” It’s true! We’re the only people in the building who put out a recycling bin every other week. Everyone else just puts out tons of trash. I just can’t believe that people still throw perfectly good recyclable items into the trash. Perhaps they don’t realize that there are a ***lot|*** of things you can put in there? Don’t come crying to me when you start paying for your tons of trash after the ***city passes its hauling charges on to you|***.

3 thoughts on “Trashy People

  1. Will

    Sorting garbage is mandated by law here. “Burnable,” which covers a lot, is picked up twice a week, then glass/aluminum/plastic recycling, paper/cloth recycling and non-burnable/toxic/hazardous each have their own day twice a month. If there’s something out on a given day that shouldn’t be there, they don’t take it.

  2. michelle

    In Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, they sort every single piece of garbage and recycling. Tons of things are picked out of what people threw out as trash and are recycled instead.

    It’s very costly, but I think worth it for a society too lazy or unwilling to do the sorting themselves.

    I just wouldn’t want to work at the sorting factory!


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