Visa: It’s everywhere we want to be.


Great news! Becky and I have received our visas from the ***Russian Consulate|***. So now we can officially enter the country. Hooray! That was pretty much the last big hurdle for our trip, so we’re just about ready to go. Just need to buy a few travel supplies and make arrangements with folks in ***Russia|***. (In case you hadn’t guessed, the photo above is just the top part of a Russian visa. The rest of the visa contains personal information like our names, passport numbers, visa numbers, entry and exit dates, etc. All in both English and Russian!)

Oh, to answer Angela’s question from the previous Russia post, our trip will be from April 25 to May 5. Our total travel time will be 11 days, with the first two days spent in transit to Russia, eight full days actually visiting Russia, and the last day spent in transit back to the US. The eight days we spend in Russia will be more or less evenly divided between ***Saint Petersburg|*** and ***Moscow|***.

Three weeks and three days until our departure!

Added a few links and some more details.

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