Our top 10 commenters for 2005:
* [Jenn](http://junefourteenth.blogspot.com/) – 45
* [Angela](http://www.thebiggspicture.org/) – 43
* [Michelle](http://mikao.blogspot.com/) – 33
* [Christine](http://www.amusings.net/clg/) – 21
* Ken F – 20
* [Will](http://pulchersentio.prwdot.org/) – 14
* Melanie – 12
* Beth Bray – 12
* [Mike](http://refugeisland.net/) – 11
* Susie – 9
Interesting statistics:
* 6/10 of the top commenters have their own blogs
* 7/10 of the top commenters are female
* 1/10 of the top commenters are family members
Maybe in 2006 we can get some more guys to comment on the blog. And more family members (thanks Susie!).
Most commented post: [Anybody Got $250,000 We Could Borrow?](http://prwdot.org/archives/2005/11/anybody_got_250000_we_could_bo.html) with 18 comments.
Month with the most posts: [January](http://prwdot.org/archives/2005/01/) with 42 posts.
Lengthiest post: [Under the hood](http://prwdot.org/archives/2005/02/under_the_hood.html) at 14,131 characters.
Interesting note: Since January 2005, the number of posts we’ve made per month has shrunk from 40 to 15. But at the same time, the number of comments we’ve received per month has stayed steady, and even increased a bit. So I guess we’re going more for quality than quantity?
Here’s to a bloggy new year!
If I can’t be #1 in the count, at least I can be the Frist for the new year!
Happy New year to you 2 & 1/2!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so proud to be #3… I’ll have to keep working at being #1!
Hope your 2006 is wonderful so far.
Rock on, I am #1? No way! Woo hoo! 🙂
(Do you realize that you just made my day?) 😉
Would you believe one of my new year’s resolutions was to make a top ten list??
Thanks, guys!!