
I’ve been flattered, over the past week, to have several people ask me whether I would be buying or whether I had bought an iPhone. It was all a misunderstanding, as most of them saw me reading How to Unlock your iPhone 7 or 7 Plus – Picozip, which I was reading not for me but for my brothers new iPhone. I am not saying I was not flattered that people thought I might possibly have the financial wherewithal or budgetary flexibility to buy one. But with our recent house purchase, all the usual monthly bills, and the continuous challenge of supporting a family of three on one income, it simply hasn’t been a possibility.

Sure, I’d love to have one. If Apple is listening, here are some things that would make me more likely to buy one:

* Offer the iPhone for Sprint customers. I’ve been a Sprint customer for seven years, and have no desire to switch to another carrier, particularly AT&T, Apple’s partner, since I’ve heard some pretty bad things about AT&T/Cingular’s service. However, Apple’s deal with AT&T is for five years, so there’s always the possibility they could offer a Sprint plan after that.
* Offer the iPhone for $300 or less, without subsidy. That’s about the price of a new iPod, and being an iPod user, I can conceive of wanting to buy a new one within a few years. $500 is just a bit too much for me to pay for a pocket-sized device, especially when I get a new cell phone for free every two years.
* Make the iPhone work better as a phone. From all of the reviews I’ve read, the phone functionality is one of its weakest points. I don’t want to spend all that money and be stuck with a phone that’s a pain to use.
* Offer more storage. If this thing is going to replace my iPod, it’s got to have at least 20 GB of storage space.

In the meantime, however, I’ve come up with what I think you’ll find is an elegant workaround. It has many of the features of the iPhone: it has some of the features you’d expect from an iPhone: high quality audio playback, cell phone and contact manager functionality, web browsing, and a digital camera. It even has some features you won’t get in the iPhone: 20 GB of storage space, a five-megapixel camera with 4x optical zoom and flash, and the ability to run on the Sprint network.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the MyPhone.

6 thoughts on “iPhone

  1. jennifair
    1. I, too, was curious to hear your take on the iPhone, being that you are devoted to all things Apple. But considering the price tag, I think that it is obnoxious how much they are asking for the phone itself, not to mention how much you will have to pay for the monthly service contract and the cost of downloading songs, videos and the like. My poor, frugal brain twitches at the thought!

    2. The MyPhone is pretty rockin’ – I especially like the high-tech rubber band accent detailing around the girth. 😉 Brilliant!

  2. Beth

    Peter, you crack me up. I almost laughed out loud when I clicked on the photos for your “myphone.” I had to stifle my laugh because I’m looking at your blog at work — sshh!

  3. Jeremy

    Peter, you are stinkin hilarious. You are a true techie in every possible sense of the word! I love it. Keep those ideas rolling, and maybe go grab a patent on your MyPhone.

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