Monthly Archives: March 2015


While waiting during an emergency stop for toothpaste, Esme regaled us with the story of the invisible baby sitting in the empty shop carriage nearby. The invisible family had a nice little shopping trip and would eventually pop back in the car and take off.

The three of us in the car were a bit disappointed that they didn’t return the carriage. 🙂

Getting things done.

Couldn’t be prouder of my girl today. She has been saving up her money with the goal of buying a companion bird for the little electronic songbird she got for Christmas. Having recently met her goal, we hit up the toy store.

We walked the aisles, and though we saw several similar birds, the style she wanted was nowhere to be seen. I could see her disappointment and as her lower lip started to quiver I told her that we could check another store. She wasn’t too thrilled with that, so I suggested she ask at customer service.

She strode right up and dealt with the woman at the desk all on her own. She knew what she wanted, what it was called and how much it cost. She asked if they might have any in stock and waited patiently while they checked. As it turns out, they didn’t have the exact one she had been wanting but had two similar ones. She asked if she could see both and when they came out she chose one. (A big step for a kid who has had trouble with unexpected changes in the past!)

Having made her choice she went to the cashier, counted out and paid with her cash, and went smiling to the door with her purchase. I couldn’t help but admire the grown up way she handled each step, even with their disappointments, and how she got what she wanted in the end. Good work, kiddo!


Oh, Esme.

I had planned on posting something thoughtful and practical about road tripping with children today. But then this happened. So go the best laid plans!

Snow Trails

I have been wanting to take the girls downhill skiing for a couple of years now, but the time has never been quite right. Today, the stars aligned and all the pieces to the puzzle came together perfectly.

Catherine’s smile says it all. They had a fantastic time skiing and they took to it much quicker than I had expected. By mid day, Catherine was shushing down the blue square trails with me and smiling from ear to ear. Esme rocked the beginner’s hill and was brave enough to ride the chair lift and take one ‘big hill’ before the day was out.

Many thanks to Grandma and Grandpa, Ken F and Peter for making a wonderful day of skiing possible for us three girls!


Have I ever mentioned how much I love a good selfie? Oh yes. I have.

Our afternoon at COSI was all we could have hoped for today. We visit a lot of museums on a regular basis, especially science museums, so we can be pretty harsh critics. None of us had anything bad to say, today, though.

We all enjoyed the hands on exhibits and we spent hours poking in and out of the exhibit halls. The little kid play space, with its make believe areas and water room and playdoh, was a big hit with Esme. Catherine had the big kid lab all to herself and she reveled in having the full attention of the docent stationed there. They spent a good long time building lego together while Catherine talked the poor gal’s ear off.

The highwire unicycle was an incredible surprise for us, and the three of us whose legs met the length requirement all took a turn.

Science museums are always fun, but even more so with Papa at a new museum to us. Here’s a gallery of photos from the day.

Let the exploration continue!

Vincent Van Jigsaw

There is something about a jigsaw puzzle that draws me in. Maybe it the chaos turning to order. Maybe it is the meticulous steps of sorting and flipping and separating. Or maybe it is the examining of the pieces and finding just the right spot for them.

My father-in-law is now discovering that unattended puzzles will get worked on if I am anywhere in the vicinity. This Van Gogh themed puzzle is particularly fun to work as it is really several small puzzles tucked into one larger one. Perfect for this puzzle lover!