We celebrate Easter in a fairly subdued way. You’ll find us at church on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We read the Easter story and talk about Christ’s sacrifice. We also boil, dye and hide a dozen or so eggs, eat candy for breakfast and dress up a bit nicer than on an otherwise ordinary Sunday.
There’s nothing in the Bible that prescribes a special meal on Easter, but somehow it just seems nice. Or as Esme said earlier this week, “We should have a special dinner on Easter. Jesus did rise from the dead, after all!”
We left church today, after a warm and rousing service, and headed into Boston for a, somewhat non-traditional, Easter dinner at Fire and Ice. It was fun and different and everyone got to choose just what they wanted. It was lovely and relaxed and just what the day called for.
Without double checking the weather first, we went for a walk around the Public Garden after lunch. It was cold and dreary by then, but the park was swarmed with people. People desperate to get out of the house!
All Eastery photos can be found here!