Dad and I before we:
Portaged a dozen or so times, over fallen trees, around dams and across roads,
Found ourselves waist deep in water after a portage misstep (well, myself, anyway!),
Overtook three boats ahead of us, and were overtaken by one behind,
Waved to our cheering squad as they moved from overlook to overlook,
Capsized in the cold, April water, soaking the few dry spots we had left,
Got covered in some kind of wriggly bug larvae,
Acquired any number of new bruises and scrapes,
Ducked completely down inside the boat to go under low trees and branches,
Paddled our way from the VFW to the Harbor,
Travelled with Andy, one last time,
Raced our way across the finish line in 2hrs, 14 minutes.
It was an awesome day for canoeing! You can check out a handful of other photos from the day, here.