Author Archives: Rebecca

A Nice Cover

“A cover is not the book
So open it up and take a look
‘Cause under the covers one discovers
That the king may be a crook
Chapter titles are like signs
And if you read between the lines
You’ll find your first impression was mistook
For a cover is nice
But a cover is not the book”
Mary Poppins Returns


“And February was so long that it lasted into March
And found us walking a path alone together
You stopped and pointed and you said “that’s a crocus”
And I said “what’s a crocus?” and you said “it’s a flower”
I tried to remember but I said “what’s a flower?”
You said “I still love you”

Dar Williams

Hot Cocoa

“The superiority of chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it the same preference over tea and coffee in America which it has in Spain.”
Thomas Jefferson