Category Archives: Movies

No Burritos in your Restaurant

Blockbuster is desperate. So desperate that they keep mailing us free movie rental coupons! And on top of that, some of the movies have a “return the next day for a $1 credit” benefit. So, we can rent our three free movies, get $3 credited to our account and rent a fourth for like a dollar. What a bargain!

Anyhoo. We rented ***A Day Without a Mexican|***. Having heard of this little flick a while ago, we were happy to have a chance to see it. It played in a very small number of theaters back in the spring and is now getting a wider audience since coming out on video.

This movie promised a tongue in cheek, mocumentary of what would happen if all the Mexicans disappeared from California. It delivered. I can’t say that the acting was fantastic, or that the plot was all that great, but it was a decent social commentary.

The state of California becomes paralyzed when all of their Mexican citizens (legal and otherwise) suddenly disappear. Crops go unharvested, restaurant tables go unbussed, the Latino newscasters don’t show up for work and the streets of California become covered in trash.

Moral of the story is that we should appreciate our Mexicans while they’re here. As one main character said, “The best way to make the invisible visible is to make it disappear”. How true, and deep.


Last night, Becky and I turned on TBS to watch ***Galaxy Quest|***, a fabulous parody of the science fiction genre. We’ve seen it before, but the last time I watched I simply wasn’t in tune to the movie as much as I was last night. So now I have a few observations that I’d like to share.
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Life Affirming

Becky and I saw ***The Incredibles|*** tonight at ***Chunky’s|***. It’s really great to watch a terrific, life-affirming family-friendly animated adventure, especially one that also happens to be wicked cool. Four thumbs up from The Woods.

Production House

Since I’ve been promoting my movies to a slightly wider audience recently, I thought I’d make an index page for them. I’ve also put a link to “Peter’s Movies” in our left nav bar. Hopefully this will make it easier to keep track of future short movie productions – if any. I don’t see movie-making taking up too much of my time, though, unless I receive a real video camera and a more powerful computer. At the moment, it’s fairly excruciating to do even a five-minute movie on my 450 MHz PowerMac G4, and my individual video clips are limited to about three minutes in length, since I’m just using my digital camera’s freebie “movie” function.

Lord of the Exhibits

We’ve been waiting a long time for this – and finally we’ve got the extra cash we need to go and see The Lord of the Rings Motion Picture Trilogy — The Exhibition at the Museum of Science in Boston! We are going to see it on Friday night. It should be pretty exciting. We’ll get to see scores of original props from the movies, including the One Ring, Aragorn’s sword Andruil, and Gandalf’s robes. There will be exhibits on the special effects techniques used in the films. There will be examples of the “bigatures” used in filming, such as the tower of Orthanc. And there will be interactive experiences where we can see what we would look like as Hobbit-sized folk, or have our motions captured and mapped on screen to digital models.

In the confirmation for our ticket purchase, there was one unfortunate reminder:

qqq|Because of the exclusive nature of ‘The Lord of the Rings Motion Picture Trilogy — The Exhibition’, no cameras, strollers, bags of any kind, or mobile phones are permitted. And for the safety and comfort of all visitors, no weaponry associated with the films’ characters will be allowed in the exhibition.|qqq

This means that not only will I not be allowed to take photos inside the exhibit, I will also not be allowed to carry in my full-length Uruk-hai sword.*

We will be sure to let you know what we think once we’ve been through the exhibit, but from all indications I’ve read around the ‘net, it’s supposed to be superb. Boston is the first city in the US to have the exhibit, and I’m not sure where it’s headed next… but keep an eye on your local museums for your chance to watch!

* note: I do not have an Uruk-hai sword. I do, however, have a replica of the One Ring which came with my Gandalf bookmark, and a cardboard-cutout Gandalf the White, festively adorned with lai.

Duck, Duck, TOUR! (And More)

Yesterday, Becky and I went on a Duck Tour with Kevin and Susie, Marcia, Beth, Hugo, and Elliott. One big happy crowd on a DUKW named “Beacon Hilda” 🙂 Our ConDUCKtor’s moniker was Johnny Baggadonitz, and he narrated our tour of Boston’s streets and waterways with his own unique blend of historic fact and, well… Italian family street smarts. While I am already familiar with much of Boston’s history and culture, I did learn a few new things:

* The Museum of Science sits on land leased from the Metropolitan District Commission for $1 per year. They have a 99 year lease, with an automatic 99 year renewal. Pretty sweet deal.
* MIT was originally located in Boston, but was later moved to Cambridge.
* The JFK Federal Building in Boston sits on top of the site of Alexander Graham Bell’s laboratory – the one in which he invented the telephone.

It was quite an enjoyable experience, and while we were at the Museum of Science, we got to see some of the outside of the Lord of the Rings exhibit. We’d definitely love to go some time before it leaves on October 24, but at $19 per person…. hmm. We’ll see.

Photos from yesterday are in our gallery – including some photos I took in the morning while Becky was working a short shift at the Otis House, and a couple of photos we took on the way in to the city at Krispy Kreme. We stopped in there for some hot, fresh donuts right off of the line. Mmmmmm…..

We also rented a couple of movies from Blockbuster this weekend. Blockbuster is currently very desperate for customers, and they sent three coupons for 99 cent movie rentals. Hey, why not? So on Saturday night we rented 50 First Dates and today we rented Hidalgo. We enjoyed both films overall, but did have a few complaints.

At its heart, 50 First Dates was a very sweet, funny movie. There were some incredibly sad parts, and I thought all of the actors did very well in their roles. Lord of the Rings vet Sean Astin as the steroid-pumping, fitness-crazed, lisp-encumbered brother was very entertaining. However, this was an Adam Sandler franchise film, and as such, was peppered with an unfortunate amount of scatological humor. We had to wince when the moronic, sophomoric jokes came up – they just didn’t fit in with the rest of the movie.

Hidalgo was great, with a good performance by another Lord of the Rings veteran, Viggo Mortenson. The action and adventure elements of the film were excellent, but our complaint was that there was simply too much violence. There were many heads lopped off, many spear impalings, and more than enough gun shots – all packed in to a PG-13 rating.

But hey, for 99 cents each… you can’t go wrong. 🙂

All of this, and there is still one day left in our weekend!

It’s a Liger!

Hollywood Hits movie theater in Danvers has been changing. In our college years it was the discount theater of choice in the area. Us poor college folk could catch a movie for a couple bucks less than the MEGA THEATER (Loews) across 128 at the mall. Now, however, it has changed. The theaters are still small and somewhat cheap feeling, but the ticket prices have caught up with the major theaters around.

The reason for this ‘upgrade’ can be found on their marquee. It is no longer a “discount theater”…it is now a “premium theater”. That means they play first run movies, charge more…and play your more “artsy” selections.

Thanks to the change we can catch movies that don’t show at the over commercialized, mainstream theaters. Last night, for instance, we went to see ***Napoleon Dynamite|***. It was hands down, one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in a long time.

That is, funny if you appreciate very, very dry humor. And very deadpan delivery. And some great cheesy 80’s clothes and music. And moon boots.

I was happy to see child star ***Tina Majorino|*** making an appearance as Deb. You may recognize her if you saw “Corrina, Corrina” with Whoopie Goldberg, the tear jerker “When a Man Loves a Woman” or (heaven forbid) “Waterworld”.

There are some other familiar faces but I won’t spoil it for you 🙂 So, go and see it. Be prepared to laugh.

I, Robot

Becky and I went to ***Chunky’s|*** last night to see ***I, Robot|*** – and of course to have dinner.

The best performance in the movie, I felt, was by ***Alan Tudyk|*** in the role of Sonny, the moody, Three-Laws-Defying robot. We were pleasantly surprised to see ***Even Stevens’|*** ***Shia LaBeouf|***, albeit in a minor role. Will Smith had a few good one-liners here and there as the technophobic, anachronistic Detective Spooner. Overall it was an enjoyable movie with some good action sequences and special effects that at times drew attention away from the more weighty themes.

Now I want to go and re-read all of my Asimov. 🙂

“What is this? A center for ants?”

The subject of my post today comes from a movie Becky and I recently watched on TBS, ***Zoolander|***. A decidedly goofy movie starring the goofy Ben Stiller, the story revolves around a past-his-prime male model being brainwashed by a clothing designer and used to assassinate the prime minister of Malaysia, who is planning to introduce sweeping changes in child labor laws which would aversely impact the revenues of clothiers worldwide. If you like bizarre humor and can stand Ben Stiller, it’s a good laugh.

Becky and I also recently saw ***Shrek 2|***, a very funny computer-animated movie which relies on a different genre of humor. In Shrek 2, the pop culture references and satire are fast and furious, and I’d say they make up about half of the movie’s laugh quotient. The other half is covered mainly by the hilarious personalities crafted by the movie’s leading men: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Antonio Banderas. If you liked Shrek, you’ll certainly enjoy Shrek 2.

In other news, my 1994 Toyota Camry just rolled over 193,000 miles this week. That’s almost 20,000 miles per year – well above the national average of 15,000 miles. It is starting to show its age. Last week, I attempted to roll down the driver’s side window. There was some ker-chunking, and the window ground about halfway down and then started slowly sliding down the rest of its way on its own. Now, that doesn’t stop me from driving the car, but it’s certainly annoying to drive in the rain with a window down.

So I took my car in to the local Toyota dealer to have them look at the window. They said it needed a new window motor and regulator assembly, and the cost was a bit more than I was hoping to pay, so I had them just put the window back together in the “up” position. This way, as long as I don’t hit the window button, the window will stay up and protect me from the elements. It is annoying at toolbooths and drive-throughs, but there are at least work-arounds. However, the Toyota dealer also indicated that there were some other problems with my car that should be fixed – CV-Boots and wheel bearings should be replaced, and the front and rear brakes both need some work.

I wanted to get a second opinion, so I decided to take my car to a local shop which Becky has used before, ***Auto-Dyne|***. The nice thing about Auto-Dyne is that they are located directly next to our apartment building, so we can actually walk right from our parking lot into theirs. 🙂 They checked my car out this morning, and did agree with the dealership that the brake job was an immediate necessity, but gave me a much lower estimate for the parts and labor. They disagreed, that the CV-Boots and wheel bearings were in urgent need or repair. So right now they’re putting on new pads and rotors in front, and new shoes in back, and I hope to have it back by the end of the day.

The window problem I’m just going to live with for now. Like I said, there are work-arounds and I just can’t justify paying a lot of money for something that isn’t essential to the operation of the car. For example, the front left speaker doesn’t work, the back right window doesn’t go up or down, the dashboard lights for the heating/cooling system don’t work, and half of the driver’s door handle is broken off. All annoying, to be sure, but just not worth my time and money to get them repaired. As long as the car goes when I tell it to go, stops when I tell it to stop, and doesn’t go exploding on me, I’m happy.

I expect the car to perform just fine when, in a little over two weeks, Becky and I drive out to Ohio. We are looking forward to our time out there, seeing my family and having a nice relaxing time in the heartland. We are also going to be stopping in ***Niagara Falls|*** on the way back, which should be fun.

In still other news, Microsoft announced today that they will be upping the storage limit on their free Hotmail webmail accounts to ***250 megabytes|***. They join ***Yahoo!|*** and ***Google|*** in the ongoing webmail wars to bring more resources to users.

Speaking of which, I was recently the recipient of a Gmail account invitation. Sadly, it did not come from any of our faithful blog readers, but rather from my pal ***rjackson|*** over at ***BBR|***, who may or may not regularly read my blog. Anyway, I have to say that Gmail is certainly the most responsive and least intrusive of the free webmail services that I’ve tried. As I mentioned in a ***previous post|***, their 1 GB mail limit isn’t particularly compelling, but their Javascript-based interface and innovative conversation-style message grouping deserves some credit. If, for some reason, you’d like to email me at Gmail, my address is peter.r.wood at gmail dot com. On the whole, though, I’m still happy using ***IMP|*** to read my email via the web when necessary, and Mozilla’s excellent ***Thunderbird|*** mail client to read my email when I’m at work or at home.

I could probably write more, but this entry has grown quite long and unruly… the end!

Movie Wrap-Up

Friday night, Becky and I rented ***Johnny English|***, with Rowan Atkinson playing an inept British intelligence agent. The concept of the movie, like Atkinson himself, is a bit goofy… first, all of MI:6’s top agents are killed, leaving only Johnny English to carry out the most crucial of tasks. Then, a French prison-construction mogul (played by John Malkovich) attempts to seize the throne by killing off all of the other legitimate heirs and asserting his own dubious claim. He plans to use his new power to convert England into the world’s largest prison. J.E. suspects the Frenchman, and takes it upon himself to reveal this nefarious plot. In any case, the movie is filled with typical Mr. Bean-esque physical humor, so if you’re a Bean fan, you’ll probably like it well enough.

On Saturday, Becky and I went to ***Chunky’s|*** to see Sony Pictures’ ***13 Going on 30|***. It’s a sickeningly sweet comedy, kind of like “Big”. Only in this movie, Jennifer Garner’s character fast-forwards in time along with the rest of the world, where Tom Hanks’ character in Big simply gets older while the rest of the world remains the same. There are the usual “oh, wow, I’m older” gags, some “80’s revival” gags (like when the whole dance club does the dance from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”), and a healthy dose of romantic comedy thrown in. It certainly doesn’t rank as one of my favorite movies, but at Chunky’s price of $6 for an evening show, plus eating dinner in the theater, it was a worthwhile evening.

Lastly, on Sunday, since Becky had gone away for the night, I went out to see the type of movie that she has absolutely no interest in seeing: ***Hellboy|*** (another Sony Pictures film). Now, I didn’t know anything about Hellboy other than what I had seen in the trailers and read about on the website. I haven’t read the ***comic|***. So I am probably not the best person to judge. But in my opinion it didn’t live up to the quality of some other comic book based movies I have seen recently such as Spider-Man or X-Men. There were some great special effects, some cool action sequences, a few good one-liners here and there. The plot was a sci-fi mainstay, of the “ancient-evil-returns-to-wreak-havoc-only-to-be-stopped-by-our-ultimately-undefeatable-heroes” variety. The characters were just a tad on the shallow end throughout, and the final conflict was resolved far too simply. While it is true that the Spider-Man and X-Men movies also used typical sci-fi plots, they at least gave you a little more to chew on in terms of character depth and quality performances. My advice – wait for it to come out on DVD or VHS, then just rent it. Or at least wait for it to come out at discount theaters. Certainly don’t pay the $9.25 I spent to see it. The best part of that evening was the ***Pepperblue Steak|*** sandwich I had at ***Panera|*** before the movie. Yum.

Going forward, I’m very excited about this summer’s ***I, Robot|***. If you’re going to base a movie on something, you might as well base it on a concept by one of the world’s most respected science fiction authors. ***Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow|*** looks fun, too. And of course, ***Spider-Man 2|*** (hmm, another Sony Pictures movie…).