Category Archives: Picture of the Day


Today’s Picture of the Day isn’t really a picture. It is more of a diagram that kind of explains were we’ll be all weekend.

It is my aunt Emeline’s 80th birthday and today her kids are throwing her a surprise birthday party. We’re going up to Freeport to celebrate with her. The chart is part of my family tree…many (or most) of whom wil be there too.

Feel free to continue browisng the geneology. I give you free reign to chuckle at some of the names 🙂

A car on the moon??

Today’s picture is from our trip last summer to Florida. We visited the Kennedy Space Center, and Becky took this fabulous photo of me, next to a model of the lunar rover.

As Seinfeld said, “You fly all the way to the moon, get out a little car, and drive around in it. YOU’RE ON THE MOON!! Isn’t that FAR enough???”


Today’s picture

I’d like to try starting a semi-regular feature here on the blog. We have quite an archive of pictures… so every day or so, I will try to pick out one picture to ‘feature’. I will not actually post the picture in the blog, just a link to the picture as it appears in our gallery.

So without further ado, here is the first picture of the day.

This photo was taken by me on our honeymoon. It was taken in the Alhambra of Granada. I think it’s a particularly beautiful photo, and we actually have a printed copy of it hanging on the wall in our study. We would love to go back there, some day. 🙂