A Shot in the dark.

Earlier today ***Ben|http://www.theholtsite.com*** posted a little essay contest. While talking about his newly purchased iMac he mentioned that it came with an iPod Mini that would be surpurflous in his household. He suggested an essay contest to determine a new home for the little Mini. Tongue-in-cheek as it may have been, I decided that it would be worth the required 1000 words if there was a chance of scoring an iPod.

There were two essay topics to choose from: “Why Macs are near and dear to my heart” and “Steve Jobs is a Hottie”. I chose the latter. So, for your reading enjoyment I have encluded the entire essay here. Just click to read the full article!

Why Steve Jobs is a HOTTIE
~by Rebecca A. Wood

In order to begin to describe why Steve Jobs is a hottie, we must first define the term “Hottie.” www.UrbanDictionary.com tells us that a hottie is “A very attractive person.” That seems pretty basic. But is it? Attractiveness is a very subjective element in a person’s character. Can one person really decide for the masses who or what is attractive? No, all we can do is set out our personal ground rules and prove that our subject adheres to them. I’ll lay out my set of rules that will show that Steve Jobs is a hottie because he is not only attractive in the physical sense, but also in the personal as well as the intellectual arenas.

Physically, Jobs does not stand out in a crowd. His average build, his Bob Hoskinesque face and even the white iEarBuds do not make him any more distinct than your average T riding Joe. I’ve yet to see him grace the cover of a fashion magazine. Or advertise for a sports drink. That being said, however, it is still possible to find Steve physically attractive.

The CEO of Apple Computer certainly has a distinctive fashion sense. His black shirts are slimming while giving him an air of sophistication. Paired with the blue jeans, however, they make a very unpretentious outfit. In fact, it is pretty cool and casual. What really makes the outfit, however, are the black dress socks pulled up inside his old-school New Balance 991 kicks. There is absolutely nothing hotter than a man who is comfortable enough with himself to wear practical (and yet, unattractive) shoes.

Jobs does represent himself well in public, and could possibly have played himself on the silver screen (or on TV), but it was pretty hot that Noah Wylie played him in “Pirates of Silicon Valley.” Noah, known for his 11 year stint on “ER,” (despite having a very long nose) is widely considered to be quite good looking and a major catch. These traits reflect kindly on Mr Jobs.

While we’re on the subject, I must mention that Steve has also aged gracefully, which is quite hot. He managed to make a smooth transition from the longish floppy hair he sported in the 70’s to the short, greying, mature-receding-hairline, coif he has today. He is not incredibly buff, but he as maintained a healthy physique. Which is quite possibly due to his vegetarian diet. In addition, he wears glasses which not only earns him triple points but should be standard equipment for any true computer geek.

As you can see, there is no denying that Steve Jobs is a physical hottie, but he is also ‘attractive’ in another sense. When he speaks he has a certain attractive aura around him. A characteristic that makes many forget what a task master he can be at work. Some have called it the “Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field” and it is a personality trait that lures people in.

This RDF phenomenon allows Jobs to freely announce wild and outlandish things; for instance, that Apple will soon be using Intel Processors. Instead of being immediately outraged (as one would suppose), his followers quickly see his point of view and support him whole heartedly. This writer suspects that if he announced that the city of Cupertino had plans to secede from California in order to form its own country, in no time flat support would come racing to him in the form of pay-pal donations and online petition signatures. It makes no matter what he says or in what forum he says it; the word of Steve Jobs is considered Geek Scripture.

Charisma is hot.

The final piece of Jobs’ hotness is his incredibly creative mind. We’ve seen how falsely claiming to have invented the internet made Al Gore very un-hot, but Jobs’ truthfully claiming to have invented the personal computer has the opposite effect. In fact, many of the computer functions we take for granted today were thought up by Jobs (and another guy named Steve W). Can you imagine computer life before the mouse? My mom tells horror stories about her old ‘punch card’ days in college. “No thank you!” says I. And how many of you would have room in your home/apartment/dormroom for the living-room sized computers in the days of yore? Perhaps a personal thank you note is in order here.

But why should we stop at computers when there are so many other cool things that can be attributed to Jobs…the MacOS, Pixar, iPods, desktop icons, iPhoto, firewire…the list could go on and on. It may be said that Jobs continues to mold, shape, and alter the way people have, and will, see, use and develop computers and computer soft/hardware. His contribution to the computing field has won him the unique position of being ‘in the know’ and looked up to as a guru, although he’s had a somewhat rocky career.

Steve has had an interesting professional life. You may know that Jobs was once canned from Apple. He went out on his own and started two wildly successful companies, Pixar and NeXT. Apple fell into the hole left behind by Jobs. The company faltered a bit and asked him to return. Jobs returned to an organization that had once fired him, jumped into the CEO position and has never looked back. It is also interesting to note that for a number of years Jobs’ annual salary was $1. As Paris would say, “That’s Hot.”

Everyone of us has a different perspective of hotness. Some folks like the perfectly ripped abs that have been airbrushed on the male models on the covers of magazines. Others prefer all star athletes or those with incredible fashion sense. And still others can see the hotness that is Steve Jobs. He is a hottie who is confident in his fashion choices, with charisma to charm the masses and the intellect to know a good idea when he sees it.

7 thoughts on “A Shot in the dark.

  1. jennifair

    my darling smacky, you are HOT. The hotness just exudes off the screen and I am quite overwhelmed by it! The essay rocks, and if I had a mini-ipod that had no purpose in my life, I would totally give it to you. Well researched and written. I’m actually jealous of how well you can write this far out of school! I should take some classes from you so that I’m ready for school again!

  2. Angela

    Becky, you’ve convinced me that I need to switch to Mac, if only so that I can have a small piece of Steve Jobs’ hotness right here in my living room!

  3. Rebecca

    Awww, thanks all! I should point out that if you meander on over to Ben’s site (theholtsite.com) you’ll see that the contest was rigged and I was not the lucky winner.

    In any case, I learned a bunch about SJ in the process, so all was not lost.

    And, Jennifer, I’ll be more than happy to tutor you if you wish, but I doubt you’d need it!

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