Computer Science!

Last night, Becky and I got together with some other [Gordon]( computer science folks for dinner at [Acapulcos]( I had planned this little shindig with my friend and fellow computer science grad Lesley Anderson. Since she is in the area for a week, we thought it would be fun to get together with some folks in the area who we hadn’t seen for a while.

I had reserved Acapulcos’ private room, so we were able to eat and chat for three solid hours. In attendance were Lesley, Becky and I, Chuck and Hannah Bartholomew, Lucas and Christi Berger, Derek and Becky Day, and Professor Levy and his wife Kathy. We had a great time catching up with each other on life since Gordon, as well as chatting about topics from computers to stalking Sheryl Crow.

After the get-together, a few of us headed over to Sarah Joy (Ameden) Salagala’s home to throw a surprise birthday party for Lesley. Lesley received a call just as she was leaving the restaurant, asking her to run “an errand”, which allowed the rest of us to get over to the party before she arrived. It was pretty funny to see her reaction, after having just come from having dinner with us, to seeing us again at her surprise party.

Altogether, those two events made for one of the latest nights Becky and I had experienced in quite some time. But the friends we got to see and the fun we had was well worth the late hour.

We also have some photos from the [CompSci Get-Together]( and the [Surprise Party]( Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Computer Science!


    You know, now that you’re all done with Gordon College classes and such, I can just be “Irv” instead of the Prof. Levy deal… it won’t make me talk less, but it’s perfectly fine!

    Thanks for organizing a great evening,

    Irv 🙂


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