Halloween was a bigger even for us in 2010 than previous years. There were weeks of costume anticipation, plenty of decor spotting while in the car and a couple of fun events to look forward to.
Catherine didn’t want to dress in costume last Halloween, but on November 1st she told me, “next Halloween I will wear a butterfly costume.” I nodded but figured she would change her mind by the time October rolled around again. She didn’t. She does make a cute butterfly, don’t you think?

Esme didn’t get a say in her costume choice. Mama wanted to knit a lamb hat, so that was that! I did try to coach her to answer “baa” when we asked her what a lamb said. Instead she kept answering “moo” !
Our Halloween festivities started on Thursday when we decked out Penelope the Subaru for Dane Street Church’s Trunk or Treat. We had a great time with our church friends and all the neighborhood kids that came through. Peter and I won a prize for our costumes (Dorothy and the Scarecrow) and our trunk won “Best Trunk”. Wow! [more photos here]

This might have been Esme’s second and Catherine’s 5th Halloween, but it was their first time trick or treating. Catherine hadn’t shown any interest in going out in past years and I’m so glad we took her lead. It was so heartwarming to watch her learn how to trick or treat and to see the excitement on her face with that first candy bar. She skipped from one house to the next in complete joy. Little sister followed along, happy enough to be carried along. [more Halloween photos here]