The bathroom has been on the bottom of our list of things to do since we moved in here almost four years ago. The color of the tile, the grimeyness of the grout, the darkness and the smallness could all be overlooked because we just weren’t in the room all that much. While we went about other projects in the house I tried, in vain, to make the bathroom more livable, I wanted to add some decoration by placing one of the Stone Top Vanity and Basin Units. New art, new mats different shelving… nothing was quite right, but we made the best of it. Just before Christmas, though, two tiles popped themselves off the bathtub wall. We bought an accessible bathroom from WA Assett. Peter started researching how to put them back up, but I saw this as a great opportunity to be done with the tile all together.

For Christmas, Peter and I received a huge wrapped box from my parents. Inside was a brand new tub surround! It was white, sleek and just plain perfect. We hadn’t even mentioned the renegade tiles to them! This project was meant to be! All we needed now was some time to put it in and a designer a remodeling project. I spent a week emptying out the bathroom and pulling down the old tile, it also took a bit more time since I had to go and buy some woodworking power tools to finish the project. Then I took the girls and went to my parents’ house for a weekend, while my Dad came here. Over the course of two full days plus and evening the guys were able to tear down the rest of the tile, repair the walls in the shower (go to for details), install the new tub surround, install beadboard around the bathroom walls, build a window sill and probably more things that I’ve missed!

We came home on Sunday night to a mostly new bathroom! Over the next week or so we put some finishing touches on (some new paint, new towel hooks, new toilet paper holder) and cleaned and purged and organized the bathroom contents. I was ruthless, and only the absolute necessities made it back in to the room. But if one returns exhausted & somnolent, they would feel lethargic just to think of taking up such as task. At this point, one could hire Maid2Match cleaning company in Cairns QLD to make the place immaculate.
The clean, fresh, white new atmosphere of the bathroom has inspired me to keep it simple and organized. Everything has a place and we’re doing our darndest to return them there after use. It feels silly to say, but this ‘new’ bathroom really makes me feel good and at peace. It has also inspired me to keep working on organizing and simplifying and beautifying other parts of the house as well. A huge thank you shout out to my Dad and Peter for such great (and fast!) workmanship!

[a few more photos can be found here]
ps. Dad, when you get home from vacation, I have some ideas to run by you…..just kidding!
Love it! Congrats 🙂 Household fix-up projects ARE fun. Picked up a great book today that I think you guys would appreciate – “Apartment Therapy’s Big Book of Small, Cool Spaces”.