Sea Star

forty one

Yesterday, during the snowstorm, Catherine took it upon herself to create a beach in our living room. She used a blue blanket for the water, there were yellow construction paper dunes, and she made sure that there were seashells scattered around the room. On the wall she had taped a bright yellow sun, and this fellow- a sea star.

We ate dinner last night sitting on a picnic blanket at the water’s edge; dreaming of sand in our toes while the snow settled outside.

Now tonight, a mere 30 hours later, the beach has been disassembled, the dunes have blown in the wind and the shells have been collected up into a bag for more adventures, but the sea star still hangs on the wall. I can’t help but smile a wide, goofy smile whenever he catches my eye. I think we’ll leave him there for a while.

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