Our Pinteresting Life

fifty eight

I love Pinterest. I really do. I think the Internet is an amazing source of information and inspiration and Pinterest is a fascinating way to compile so much of it. I don’t know how others use the service, but for me it is about 70% to-do list, 20% inspirational photos and 10% magazine. I love scrolling though the endless photos of gorgeous homes and beautiful art projects. I revel in finding tutorials for little girl dresses or ‘how to’s for fixing up your house.

I try not to pin wildly outlandish pins that will never have relevance in my life. I try to pin things that we might actually a)get around to doing and b)have a ton of fun with.

Today’s project (found on Pinterest, of course, but originally posted here), paired with a google search for Pointillism, provided us with a morning’s full of art making, art history, color study, science, a little ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, sisterly cooperation and lots of fun.

All three of us got a kick out of sticking our crayons in the candle flame. It took practice to get the little drips of wax just right. It took patience to fill a space with the individual drips of color. It took 35 minutes before the girls had moved on to playing with the candle wax that we were pouring on the plates. I continued on while they experimented with the solid and liquid states of matter.

I consider myself a pretty creative person, but I continue to be amazed by and so thankful for the people behind all the many interesting ideas and projects I’ve stumbled across on the web.

How does the internet inspire you? How do you use Pinterest? Do you feel like it enriches your life?

2 thoughts on “Our Pinteresting Life

  1. Elizabeth

    Rebecca, I’m so glad I started following your daily posts. I look forward to reading them every morning. (Even if I see it go up at night, I force myself to wait and look at it in the morning.) I’m going to have to go back and read the ones that were up before I started following (and I have to say, getting the post in my email is so convenient and easy! I love not having to remember to go to a site to check it out).

    I also love pinterest. I’m not sure what my percentage breakdown is, but I do know there’s a lot of crafting ideas, knitting tips, images that inspire me to write (okay, there are only a couple of those, but I’m always on the lookout for them), and recipes. I try to not pin any crafting ideas that link to things you have to buy, like patterns or completed projects. I want them to link to how-to sites. I find it super helpful for recipes. There are a few people I follow who have the same tastes as I do and tend to pin foods that I would like, so when I’m feeling stuck for something to make, I can go to their board and browse. I have two recipe boards, one for recipes I want to try, and then once I’ve tried them, I either delete them if it was a flop, or move them to the “Yum” board if it’s something I plan on making again. Which brings me to the last thing I tend to use it as: bookmarks. I no longer use my browser’s bookmark feature. If I find something interesting on the web that I want to come back to, I pin it. And if I were still a teacher, I would pin projects like crazy! There are so many great projects and aids and ideas out there for teachers.

    Oh, I could just go on and on about pinterest. I adore it. But I won’t. I don’t think comments should be longer than the original posts 😉

  2. Rebecca Post author

    Yes! I love how it has replaced my massive bookmarks folder. And I’m such a visual person that the bookmarks weren’t working for me anyway! I keep telling myself to go back in and get more organized with my boards, but it hasn’t happened yet!

    Also, I don’t know why I’m not following you there yet…[takes two minutes to remedy the issue]…there. Done 🙂


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