She’s Only Four

one hundred and fifty two

It was a perfect day to go for a hike. We geared up and hit the trailhead at Mount Watatic.

Catherine, at seven, was a confident hiker. She made it to the summit and back down with ease. Esme, at four, was less enthusiastic about hoofing it the whole way up.

Both Peter and I found ourselves just a wee bit exasperated at the barrage of “my legs are tired!”, “my feet are tired”, “SHOULDERS!!”, and “can’t someone just carry me??”. Never mind the constant chorus of “I need a drink of water!” We were certain that her little feet could, indeed, make the climb without too much help, but clearly she thought otherwise.

In the end I did carry Esme for a good portion of the hike, both up and down the mountain. It was Catherine who put the whole thing into perspective for me by saying,

“She’s only four, Mama. She is probably just tired. I’m seven and I don’t want anyone to carry me.”

That’s right, Catherine. She is only four. So I gave her a ride and enjoyed the singing from over my shoulder. She won’t want me to carry her forever.

[More photos from our hike can be found here!]

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