Waskosim’s Rock

Even though we love the beach, it is nice to take a break from the sand and surf and explore more of the nature that our island has to offer. Today we hiked the trail at Waskosim’s Rock and were pleasantly surprised by the variety of landscapes along the way. Low, marshy, green forests led to a dry ridge trail lined with wild blueberries. We lunched in the shade of a giant glacial rock and then wound our way down through meadows and farmland.

Without any deadline to be home, we had plenty of time to stop and explore as we went along. The stream and any number of interesting trees and rocks captured our attention and the girls showed just the right amount of disdain for Peter’s and my semi-constant movie and book references. Long trek over the hill with walking sticks? Definitely time to whistle the walking music from Lord of the Rings. Come across an enclosure of grazing goats? Perfect opportunity to ask, “Which of these goats do you think belong to The Grandfather [from Heidi]”.

It was a really lovely place to spend a good chunk of a Saturday, and we still had time left to bike to the beach later on!

{A full album of photos from the hike can be found here}

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