Monthly Archives: May 2015

Hamlin Reservation

We’ve been hiking several of the local trails with our homeschool group lately. This particular property is one of our favorites, and this uprooted tree is one of its main draws!

These three poked and climbed and explored here for ages before we finally, and gently, urged them to keep moving down the trail. There were more stumps and fallen trees and acorn caps and stick shelters and fallen bridges and tidal flats still to discover!

An Afternoon in the City

It was a lovely, albeit muggy, Mother’s Day. We went to church, rode the train, and walked all over Boston. We rode a carousel and ate frozen yogurt and had lunch with a view of Bobby Orr.

The highlight of the day was seeing As If It Were Already There, a huge art installation above the Rose Kennedy Greenway. It was an amazing mass of ropes and knots swaying in the wind and looking totally different from every angle.

Overall, it was a lovely day of things I love, with people I love and without having to plan a thing!

Here’s a gallery of more photos that Peter and I took from the day.

Face Paint

The very fancy look that Esme wore to gym class today.

Several people asked her where she had been to have her face painted. You should have heard the pride in her voice when she said, “My sister did it!”


Found this photo on my phone tonight, taken by Esme. It shows her lego pool, with accessories, and, in the foreground an invention that had her running to me shouting,

“Mama! Check this out! It is my new Sauna-slash-plane!”

After showing me how the sauna/plane converts from one use to the other, she scurried off and, apparently, took a few pictures for posterity.

Get your pedal on!

While hiking in the woods this afternoon, I came across this little sign. Intrigued, I came home and looked it up.

Did you know that tomorrow, May 6th, is National Bike to School Day? I did not. Do any of my readers participate?

The sign, and the idea of thousands of little people riding their bikes to school tomorrow, made me very happy! I don’t go to school, but I do go to the Y. Tomorrow I’ll be biking there instead of driving!

Selfie +

Esme and I attended our friends’ dance recital today and commemorated it with a selfie before the curtains opened.

It wasn’t until I got home and reviewed the photo did I notice the cutest little photobomber I ever did see!