Monthly Archives: July 2015

On the Red Line

I caught this sweet scene on the T tonight. It was a long day to begin with and then we added an after dinner trip to the Lawn on D to see the Bunnies.

Everyone had a good time, but by 10pm, and back on the subway, the day started to catch up with us. Even so, it is awesome to live close enough to Boston to partake in it’s culture and quirkiness.

Honeymoon Bowling

We introduced Aunt Marsha to Candlepin bowling tonight. So fun!

They are back off home on the left coast tomorrow. We were so glad to spend all of last week with them and then a bonus night tonight.

We love bowling all the time, but it is so much more awesome with family and dancing and bowling balls on heads. Yay!


The end result of a spring spent observing the growth patterns of the bullfrog tadpoles at in the pond. (Though I suspect this one is not from this year’s batch of tadpoles!)


How better to spend the last night of vacation? Why, with a new costume drama, of course!

Catch it on PBS before they pull the episodes offline and enjoy some of our favorite British actors with us- Warren Clarke (RIP), Ruby Bentall, Richard Harrington, Phil Davis and many others.

And it has a fantastic score, besides.


And in the blink of an eye, we are back off Island. It is always hard to leave, but so nice to know that we will be back soon.

Tomorrow we’ll sweep the sand out of our car, and wash the swimsuits and settle back into city life. But tonight we fall asleep with salty hair and sunscreeny skin, dreaming of the smell of beach roses.

All Set Up

My parents hosted an amazing cook out dinner on the eve of my brother’s wedding. The food was fantastic, the yard and porch were perfect for chatting and the evening went off without a hitch.