
How, you might be asking yourself, did we end up sitting on the porch, accusing Mrs White of killing Mr Boddy in the hall with the lead pipe?

I’m glad you asked! One of the performances at Built on Stilts earlier this week used some of the soundtrack from the Clue movie as their music. The girls read it in the program and asked what Clue was. That led to discussions about weekend parties at country houses and murder and ‘who-done-it’ and lead pipes.

Having never played the game, I sought out my old clue playing partner, Melanie, who brought over the whole kit and caboodle.

It took a game or two for them to really get the hang of it, but they definitely enjoyed the game. Who would have thought that a dance festival would have led us to murder mysteries which led us to logic puzzle type crime solving. Unschooling is the best.

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