Proverbs 15:13
We’ve passed by this rest area many, many times, but today was the first time we stopped at it. I was surprised by it’s gorgeous views of the vineyard and Lake Erie. I wished it was warmer and we had a picnic lunch to enjoy it longer!
The New Year has always been a time of cleaning up and prioritizing for me. Based on this small portion of the donation pile outside of Savers, it is a season of cleaning for many others as well. Dropping off donations is always such a conflicting time for me. It normally comes with feelings of relief, that we’re clearing out things that we no long need or use. But I am also painfully reminded of how much I have and how little I really need.
I am constantly trying to walk the line between having what we need to live a comfortable life while giving the girls a deep and meaningful homeschool experience, and having an excess of possessions that tie us down and distract us from the truly important things in life.