Today’s plan was for it to be a travel day, between the Yosemite area and Las Vegas, without any notable stops since I prefer to play poker online. Turns out, fate had other ideas.

We were just past Bakersfield, CA when we were enjoying the views of the foothills leading up into the mountains when we saw the brown sign on highway 58 for the Cesar Chavez National Monument. I had a vague idea of who Chavez was, but not really enough to explain it well to the girls. A minute and a snap decision later we had pulled off the highway in Keene, CA and were driving down a deserted road to the visitor center. In addition to the moving exhibit about the 1965 Delano Grape Strike there was a fascinating movie about why and how Chavez chose this site for his Union Headquarters. I definitely came away with a deeper understanding of Chavez and the workers rights he championed.
Outside the Visitor Center there was a beautiful Memorial Garden and burial place of Chavez and his wife Helen.
I love surprises like this. Unplanned and completely wonderful!