Category Archives: Quizzes

Nine-Layer Burrito

Got this from ***Michelle|*** who got it from ***James|***. I went back to James’ original version for mine.

* Name: Peter Ryan Wood
* Birthdate: October 6
* Birthplace: San Diego, California
* Current Location: Beverly, Massachusetts
* Eye Color: Brown
* Hair Color: Brown
* Righty or Lefty: Righty
* Sun Sign: Libra
* Innie or Outtie: Innie

* Your heritage: English and Dutch
* The shoes you wore today: Merrell hiking shoes
* Your hair: short, brown (um, is this a repeat?)
* Your eyes: brown (err… already covered this?)
* Your weakness: verbal communication
* Your fears: bugs, spiders, crawly things
* Your perfect pizza: pepperoni and sausage
* One thing you’d like to achieve:

* Your most overused phrase on IM: “heh”
* Your first waking thoughts: “gotta get up…”
* The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: smile, or lack thereof
* Your best physical feature: my eyes, I think…
* Your bedtime: 11 p.m.
* Your greatest fear: something bad happening to my family
* Your greatest accomplishment: getting married
* Your most missed memory: Being in Spain

* Pepsi or Coke: Coke
* McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald’s
* Single or group dates: both
* Adidas or Nike: Nike
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
* Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
* Cappuccino or coffee: Neither – yuck!!

* Smoke: No.
* Cuss: No.
* Sing: Love to!
* Take a shower everyday: Absolutely
* Have a crush(es): No
* Who are they: n/a
* Do you think you’ve been in love: Yes
* Want to go to college: Been there, done that.
* Like high school: No
* Want to get married: I’ve been married since October 26, 2002
* Believe in yourself: What the heck does this mean, anyway?
* Type with your fingers on the right keys: Yes
* Think you’re attractive: My wife says so, and I believe her!
* Think you’re a health freak: Not at all
* Get along with your parents: Yes
* Play an instrument: I play the cello

LAYER SIX: In the past month, did you…
* Drink alcohol: No, my family has had addiction in the past, thankfully the team at has helped them out.
* Smoke: No
* Do a drug: No
* Make Out: Yes (with my wife of course!)
* Go on a date: Yes, again, see above
* Eat an entire box of Oreos: No
* Eat sushi: No
* Been on stage: Would you consider the front of a church during a wedding a stage? If so, yes. Otherwise, no.
* Been dumped: No
* Gone skating: Yes
* Made homemade cookies: No
* Been in love: Yes
* Gone skinny dipping: No
* Dyed your hair: No
* Stolen anything: Yes – a couple of kisses! 🙂

LAYER SEVEN: Have you ever…
* Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
* If so, was it mixed company: n/a
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No
* Been caught “doing something”: Yes..something
* Been called a tease: No
* Gotten beaten up: Yes
* Shoplifted: No
* If so, did you get caught: n/a
* Changed who you were to fit in: Never.

* Age you hope to be married: Already am, was 24 at the time.
* Numbers and Names of Children: n/a
* Describe your Dream Wedding: The one I had! See ***here|***.
* How do you want to die: Without pain and in my sleep.
* Where you want to go to college: n/a
* What do you want to be when you grow up: Pretty much what I’m doing now. Programming.
* What country would you most like to visit: Egypt

* Number of girls I have kissed: Three
* Number of girlfriends Ive had: Four (you do the math)
* Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
* Number of people I could trust with my life: A bunch
* Number of CDs that I own: a few hundred I think, although I now buy music from ***iTunes|***.
* Number of piercings: 0
* Number of tattoos: 0
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Five or six, dunno.
* Number of scars on my body: Two I think…
* Number of things in my past that I regret: No regrets.

My Poetic Form

Well, I’ve never heard of this type of poetry, but apparently this is what I am:

I’m terza rima, and I talk and smile.
Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away
I let mine out, and chatter all the while.

I’m rarely on my own – a wasted day
Is any day that’s spent without a friend,
With nothing much to do or hear or say.

I like to be with people, and depend
On company for being entertained;
Which seems a good solution, in the end.

What Poetry Form Are You?

quiz results

Just found a fun little quiz. Here are my results…

I am the sonnet, never quickly thrilled;
Not prone to overstated gushing praise
Nor yet to seething rants and anger, filled
With overstretched opinions to rephrase;
But on the other hand, not fond of fools,
And thus, not fond of people, on the whole;
And holding to the sound and useful rules,
Not those that seek unjustified control.
I’m balanced, measured, sensible (at least,
I think I am, and usually I’m right);
And when more ostentatious types have ceased,
I’m still around, and doing, still, alright.
In short, I’m calm and rational and stable –
Or, well, I am, as much as I am able.
What Poetry Form Are You?

what’cha think?

I found this quiz on ***michelle’s site|***. Those of you who know me… do you think it is accurate?

you are paleturquoise

Your dominant hues are green and blue. You’re smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people’s conflicts well.

Your saturation level is low – You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.

the html color quiz

Beverly…or Ketchikan?

This morning I visited this site and answered a slew of questions in exchange for this list of my ‘perfect’ places to live. Their suggestions really aren’t so bad. I have a feeling that Peter’s list will be completely different…hmmm. Anyway, here’s the list:

– Lewiston, Maine
– Plymouth, New Hampshire
– Saranac Lake, New York
– Littleton, New Hampshire
– Windham, New York
– Johnstown, Pennsylvania
– Glens Falls, New York
– Plattsburgh, New York
– Bar Harbor, Maine
– Camden, Maine
– Easton, Pennsylvania
– Lebanon, New Hampshire
– Jamestown, New York
– Augusta, Maine
– Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
– Peterborough, New Hampshire
– Peekskill, New York
– Deer Isle, Maine
– Belfast, Maine
– Hanover, New Hampshire
– Portsmouth, New Hampshire
– Seward, Alaska
– Ithaca, New York
– Ketchikan, Alaska