Photo Shoot

I’m so in love with these three who tried really hard to snap a Christmas photo that fit all of my wildly conceived criteria. I’m not sure we got the photo that I was imagining, but they were all adorable troopers.


Replacing the bulkhead door is not the most exciting of home improvement projects, but it was one that desperately needed doing. Many thanks to Dad for building these new doors, to the girls (and Grandpa) for painting them, and to me for, um… choosing the color. A true team effort!


With one day to go before it closes, we got into the Museum of Science to see their Caterpillars exhibit. We weren’t sure if we should expect live caterpillars or not, but we weren’t disappointed in what we saw. Close up portraits of caterpillars on the branches that they eat were displayed around the room. Each one unique and totally interesting.

I really love when the MOS finds that perfect mix between art and science and this exhibit hit the sweet spot!