
This dear little bookmark fell was found tucked in our copy of the Lord of the Rings when Peter recently took it off the shelf to read to the girls.

I must have used it when I (re)read the trilogy in 2001/02. But the bookmark itself dates to much earlier than than, I’d say elementary school, late 80s.

Einstein’s words are just as timely now as they ever were.

Junior Ranger

On this continuing journey of taking and sharing a daily photo I rarely strive for photographic perfection. I am content to capture moments in our lives without concern for lighting or composure or even focus.

But some days the stars align and I stumble across a scene so naturally lovely that I feel compelled to put in a little effort. I am so pleased with everything in this little shot.

Lowell National Historic Site, April 2017

Percy Jackson Fans

The Percy Jackson/Mythology obsession is still going strong around here, and today’s trip to see The Lightening Thief in Concord, NH was just the thing my little Half-Bloods were looking for. Even better to have friends to enjoy it with (those in this photo and others)!

A year-long passion for mythology and history, paired with interdisciplinary endeavors is just about all a life-learning, unschooling Mama could ask for!

Movie Makers

These three (plus one) spent the afternoon making movies together. A second before I took this photo they were all sitting with their backs to me, watching their latest ‘episode’. Just as I snapped the pic one jumped up and I caught this rather dramatic looking, but actually benign, scene.